Just wanted to put out there one of the big reasons smoking a pipe has over taken the cigars for me. Cigars are more a social event in my world. My local club is a cigar only with no pipe smoking. The new B&M opening is pipe friendly, but we’ll see what the clientele is like. My arthritis from being crushed in a car in ’79 has been getting worse over the last ten years to the point of being disabled. The worst is my broken back and crushed pelvis, I bring this up because it makes a huge difference. Lighting up a cigar is one thing, but nothing compared to all it takes and surrounds smoking a pipe. The huge difference in selecting a satisfying blend from the rotation, the pipe to be used combined with the preparation, not to mention the attention to getting that perfect bowl. Unlike cigars this takes the mind off the pain and pain killers only go so far.
I bring this up today because sitting here smoking a perfect bowl of properly cured SJF is helping me through my quarterly spinal injection. Now these work great, but for a couple days it sucks. I hope others who are in pain have found this to be yet another of the great things smoking a pipe brings.
I bring this up today because sitting here smoking a perfect bowl of properly cured SJF is helping me through my quarterly spinal injection. Now these work great, but for a couple days it sucks. I hope others who are in pain have found this to be yet another of the great things smoking a pipe brings.