Pipe And A Movie/ The Hobbit... Anti Add after Credits

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Jan 8, 2013
As you can tell from the title, this is going to be a little different than my normal Pipe And A Movie routine. You'll see what I'm talking about at the end.
The Pipes (Yeah I smoked two this time): Bjarne Viking Classic Houston, Peterson St. Patty's Day 2013

The Tobaccos (smoked two of these as well): Sutliff's Alexander Bridge, Puff'n Stuff (a mixture of just about everything I've smoked all mixed together in a mason jar.

The Movie: The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey
This movie is, in my opinion, the ultimate pipe smoking movie and a good long journey into the world Tolkien created. I'm sure the majority of us have seen this movie and are eagerly awaiting the second installment which should be hitting theaters in a few days. Just before I hit play on the DVD I loaded up my Bjarne Viking Classic with some Alexander Bridge. This pipe is quite lovely, a bent dublin with nice looking grain, and a reddish brown stain and glossy finish that really makes it pop. Another thing so lovely about this pipe is that it's really beginning to smoke quite well, and as many know, they are quite affordable. I think pipesandcigars.com continuously has them on sale for around $55.00. Anyway.... it smoked Alexander Bridge to nothing but ash, only relighting when I let it go out because I let it smoke a bit hot. I was puffing like a freight train for a bit, before slowing down and enjoying the pipe, the tobacco, and the movie.
Speaking of the movie. There is one scene near the beginning I could watch time and time again. Gandalf and the dwarfs have all arrived at the home of Bilbo Baggins and after a rowdy bout of feasting and drinking and planning, the dwarfs and Gandalf gather with their pipes near the fire place. Bilbo, unsure of what to do listens from his bedroom as Thorin Oakensheild leads Gandalf and the others in a slow droning ballad that, in my opinion really grips a man's soul. It's beautiful but masculine. Here is the scene.... Don't worry if you haven't seen the movie, this will not ruin it for you. It's a short but wonderful scene.
As the movie progressed, I smoked through the bowl of Alexander Bridge, as stated above. Being a long movie, I wanted to enjoy another pipe. So I reached for my trusty Peterson. I've mentioned many times on this forum that it's probably my best smoker. Wanting something different, I grabbed my jar of Puff'n Stuff, a blend of "left behinds" from just about everything I've smoked in my first year of pipe smoking. I gotta tell you... this stuff has actually gotten quite good. A blend of balkans and aromatics, but mainly aromatics, it has developed into a descent tasting, and very nice smelling blend. The light amount of latakia within and the small amount of Gettysburg (which is very peachy so I don't smoke it often)mixed with anything from Captain Black Dark, White, a tiny bit of Cherry, all the Brigadier Black blends, Alexander Bridge, a tiny bit of Mohawk River... I know I'm missing a few others lol... well you get the picture... actually gives the aroma a bit of cobbler and something unknown to man but must be a desert from heaven baking in a wood fire oven kinda smell. Needless to say it was a nice smoke, and as usual my Pete smoked it to the bottom just fine.
The movie, with the great acting, majestic scenery, and exceptional music score, took me out of this world for a few hours and set me within Middle Earth. I could feel the characters' triumphs, defeats, joys and sadness. I could feel the wind on my face, the cold from the snows, I could smell the stench of dark and damp caves and could feel the warmth of the warm sun on a cold landscape. I could smell the smoke from the characters pipes... I think Gimli was smoking an aro... not sure ;) But Thorin I believe smoked something akin to a Balkan ;)
All in all I had a great journey and I watched the movie through the credits as I love the closing music. One piece of music during the credits was another version of the above song. Equally as wonderful. Trust me... you WANT to listen to both! They go great with pipe smoking. Here's the other version here...
Alas the credits ended and the movie was over. Now here's where I was upset. At the end of the credits, of course the movie ends, and then a commercial was added on the dvd. So here I am watching this commercial for a fake cola... it was I admit kind of comical at first. Anyway it goes like this... Three people are bungy jumping off a bridge and grabbing a can of Splode Soda at the bottom before getting bounced back up. The first one jumps, grabs a Splode soda (100 percent more carbonation than any other drink) and opens it. Spraying the Splode Soda into his mouth. The second jumper does the same. The third one jumps, grabs the can at the bottom, opens the can on the way up and it explodes... the jumper with the can are disintegrated. And then it says this....
Only one product kills one third of the people using it... Tobacco.
Needless to say it pissed me off. Here we have a great movie, chock full of pipe smoking, and for some reason they decided they wanted to add an anti tobacco message at the end of the dvd. I very nearly took the dvd and threw it in the trash. I had the case in my hand and seriously nearly trashed it! I stopped only because I love the movie, will want to watch it again, and I know I don't have to watch the trash that comes on after the credits are over.
That being said. If you're looking for a great movie to watch while smoking your favorite pipes and blends. I very highly recommend this one. But if you get the dvd or have it, once the credits are over, turn it off.
Happy puffin everyone.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
Thanks for the heads up and the great review, I think I would have enjoyed the movie more if I hadnt read the book :)



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
I agree, that's my favorite scene/song in the movie as well! It's an excellent movie, as are the LOTR movies. I'm sure I'll be seeing the new one in theaters soon!
I never watched my copy all the way through the credits, but it would have pissed me off as well if I had!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
They add those adds to any movie that suggests tobacco use anymore. Just part of the indoctrination program brought to you by The Truth (or whatever they call themselves) which strikes me as funny as you only get part of the truth from any of their media. Screw them, enjoy your pipes and create converts where ever you go with your manners and aroma.



Mar 1, 2013
I had the EXACT same experience last week. Since it has been rather cold in southern NJ lately I have figured out that if I get a small fire going in my fireplace and sit right near the hearth I can smoke my pipe indoors and most of the smoke goes right up the chimney. Spray a little Ozium afterwards and life is good. I have done it about 6 times now and no complaints from the wife or the kids about odor.
I was also watching "Unexpected Journey" and I agree that scene is top notch. You are usually about 3/4 through your first bowl when that scene starts (if you fire up at the beginning of the movie) and that scene is just made for puffing. I also can't wait for Friday. As I have mentioned in other posts Tolkien and his books are what got me interested in pipe smoking to begin with, so it is only fitting that I watch the movies in front of fire and drink out of my wooden flagon that I have from my Renaissance Faire days.

Jan 8, 2013
Thanks guys :) Yaz... I need a wooden flagon. Perhaps I'll grab one next time Scarborough Fair comes around. Mead in a wooden flagon and a pipe while watching The Hobbit or any of the LOTR movies would be epic. Reichenbach... I hear you and agree. But man it sure grinded my gears when I saw that at the end of the credits. Pete... I'm totally stoked about the new movie and I guarantee it's at the very top of my list. Unfortunately I won't be able to do a Pipe And A Movie thread on it until it comes out on DVD lol. Lifeon2... I enjoy the books and the movies equally. There are some differences of course, but it's just two different mediums both telling a fantastic story. :) Thanks for the replies all.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2013
What I want to know is who is going to start producing Longbottom Leaf? Longbottom Leaf is the best tobacco in Middle Earth produced somewhere in the Shire and has been exported across the known world according to The Lord of the Rings.
Edit: While writing this I googled Longbottom Leaf and found someone produces it as a VA with vanilla flavoring. I was hoping for more of a VaPer...
Longbottom Leaf



Nov 21, 2011
Wow yaz, I need me a woodern flagon too. Tolkein's books are what got me into smoking pipes also.
PS Anthony, No self-respecting dwarf would ever smoke an aro, but something earthy :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2012
Excellent review. I like to watch the credits all the way through and that add really ticked me off as well.

Jan 8, 2013
Thanks all :) Glad you enjoyed the read. Simnettpratt it could be an earth aro lol. Carcosa, I think I'd like some latakia in my Longbottom Leaf. Hunter, I just strongly believe there was no place for that add on that dvd. It felt like a slap in the face the way they threw it out there at the end of the credits. Numbersix, it is indeed sad. I almost cried...



Might Stick Around
Nov 12, 2013
This thread made me want to do the same thing. I am currently sitting in my garage on my laptop about to watch the hobbit and enjoy some Mclelland deep hallow



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2013
I have a little complaint with Tolkein, which I'm only just coming to grips with. My complaint is that he never acknowledged or pay tribute to the 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' (as I am a Wagnerian) or the 'Volsunga Saga' which has obviously influenced all of Tolkien's world especially the Character of Gandalf.
If I do look past that huge throbbing complaint, which is intensely hard and scratching away at my soul, I'd say that I love the Hobbit movie. Even more so than the Lord of the Rings movies, the characters to me are more fun and the pipe smoking is fantastic.
Fortunately I watched it through netflix and wasn't a victim to such idiocy. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
Well, when I last saw the DVD, I didn't stick around to the end of the credits. I did in theaters, but don't remember that ad. Anyway, I decided to send this over to the truth people anyway:
So, I saw your Splode ad at the end of the Hobbit. WOW! I have to say this was one of the most jarring detours I've ever experienced after watching a wonderful movie. I understand you want to promote your stuff, but the placement there takes the viewer from Peter Jackson's brilliant portrayal of some High Fantasy literature, and puts us in "Bad Ad Zone."
But, hey - it got me to your site so I guess it worked, right?
My question for you guys, do you understand the differences between cigarettes and other tobacco products? I noticed in your Poop ad up on the front page, you do reference cigarettes specifically. And that is great! The additives used in cigarette production in the mother-liquor to make the RTS are basically just terrible. However, Pipe tobacco and Cigar tobacco (generally, and entirely on the high end "luxury" level) don't contain any of these. They do contain nicotine, but when it's not being inhaled into your lungs and mixed with ammonia and a long list of others that you're obviously familiar with, nicotine is not a crazy killing compound. It actually has a long list of benefits (http://pipesmagazine.com/blog/put-that-in-your-pipe/the-chameleon-named-nicotine/). My point is, tobacco isn't the problem -- Cigarettes are! All too often pipes and cigars get clumped into the same category, even your ad after the Hobbit DVD said "tobacco" as the killer. But that's just not the case, it's cigarettes because of inhaling (a practice that was extremely rare until the mass production of, you guessed it, cigarettes) and the additives in them. Non-inhaled pipes and cigars do not present these same issues. That's not to say these are a 'safe-alternative' either. People who think that way will smoke FAR more pipes/cigars than actual puffers because they are trying to get the same nicotine buzz from inhaled cigarettes. Half the time, these converts will even inhale the pipe or cigar smoke because of the habit they built up before. Obviously, this is bad. However, this is NOT the common practice among Pipe and Cigar hobbyists. Yet, your ad was still jarring away at the end of a movie that featured entirely pipe smoking, in a world that doesn't even have cigarettes within its lore.
Food for thought.
To be fair, some of the generalization I made, especially in reference to how often users like us smoke, might not be purely accurate, but I didn't try to back them up with any sort of statistic so I don't feel bad about it. After all, I know many of us smoke all day, and I do when I can, but work doesn't always allow for that. Regardless, I think I brought up some valid points. I'm interested to see if I get a response.



Might Stick Around
Oct 23, 2013
That sucks about the add at the end of the movie, Tolkien must be turning in his grave. Lets say that 1 in 3 are killed from tobacco (not cigarettes mind you), do we not have the freedom to make that choice for ourselves? Do we need somebody watching out for us even if we don't want them to? If they make tobacco illegal then they should make cars illegal too, since they are just as dangerous as "tobacco" products.

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