Well, as with most things, opinions vary a lot. I loved the old Pink Floyd, bought their albums, and saw them in concert. After Waters left I followed both him and Pink Floyd, and found that the band suffered his loss, as he seemed to be the creative force behind much of their great music. He wrote most of The Wall, and The Final Cut, which were two of my favorite albums. The current Pink Floyd has since been doing a sort of a re-hash of their old music, and melodies. It's ok, but not to my liking. My wife bought The Division Bell thinking she would like it, but after a couple of listens, became bored with it. I like all of Roger Waters solo albums as they remind me of the old PInk Floyd and are more cutting edge with the music and lyrics. I don't care what his personal beliefs are, any more than I care what Mozart's, or Miles Davis beliefs were, I like the music! Went to see him at the Coliseum in LA in the late 80s, and he vibrated that concrete structure, playing Welcome To The Machine! Waters seems to be concentrating more on concerts than recording in recent years, has had good success with them, and has paired with David Gilmore in some concerts too.
I just listened to Wish You Were Here a few weeks ago, and Welcome To The Machine still gives me goose bumps. Great band and great music! :clap: