Pictures of the Girl I Was With When My Avatar Pic Was Taken

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Jul 30, 2012
Might be worth more than a few years off.

But none would put up with me, my sh&%, & be a better wife than the one I have now.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Man, I just keep on revisiting this thread. LOL. So what's the back story on this lovely girl? And where was your avatar pic taken? Looks to be either a paintball match or your "in country" somewhere.



Nov 21, 2011
Kashmir, can't believe you said a face to launch a thousand pics; that's the exact phrase I think of. She was our secretary at my old tech company and for some reason really liked me. Best looking girl I've ever been out with; she was really cool too, was always up for anything. We were going to jump out of a plane but didn't get around to it.
Sadly, she moved to New Mexico and that was the end of that. We phoned for a while but it just petered out *snif*
In my avatar, I'd just bought my new Tippmann X7, and didn't have the stock for it yet. It's a full-auto painball gun and shoots 13 balls per second. I and my buddie were the only ones with full autos so everyone thought we were cool. It has an awesome hard-edged eastern block sound, it goes braaaap, not shush-shush. Plus, I carry smoke! It's my favourite thing in paintball but hard to find.
Here's one more of the X7. I'm engaged by three guys and firing full auto (you can see the bolt back). I have no idea the photographer's there. I've already used a pod of paint. But the best thing about this photo is the holes in the leaves behind me - they weren't made by bugs :) Can't post any more of Dawn, sorry. Not without cropping them.



Nov 21, 2011
Kashmir, I could not recommend paintball enough. I've played since the very beginning, about 1985 (those are my original pants! Sadly lost the shirt in a move). It's honest family fun. The kids' rifles shoot just as hard as yours, and those little suckers are fast!
The key is to find a well run field, where the refs are not the owner's jerk kids. Also you want mil-sim, not Speedball. Speedball is played on a tennis court sized field, with no concealment or sneaking, the cover is inflatable ballons. It was invented for TV.
My field above has five fields on it, three in the woods, one with buildings, and a trench field. You want paint grenades for the building field. They got a trench-digging machine and made a maze of trenches; I don't like that one. They also have a tank. It's a pickup and they attached four rifles together in the back to make a quad shooter.
You can get a basic semi-auto and all the gear you need for about $200. If you like it though, you'll end up spending a lot more. My X7 with it's mods cost $800 altogether.
The whole reason paintball is wonderful is because the paintballs can hurt. You chrono your gun to shoot just under 300 fps. That's 204 mph. A solid hit will leave a big bruise and might break the skin (but most don't). Pain produces fear, and fear does three wonderful things:
1. Heightens the senses

2. Magnifies the imagination

3. Limits the ability to think logically
You'll find yourself running faster than you ever have and diving into cover. And having a blast.
One more quick pic of Dawn. Can't show you the rest (she was getting a couple of things pierced, crazy girl), but at least she's smiling. She looks much better blonde :)




Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
How old is she ........12? The blonde that is.

Are you pining for her?

You have a new girl now. Why do you give a rat's arse about whats gone?

I guess I want to know the point of posting a pic of miss X.



Nov 21, 2011
@loco, the blonde and the brunette are both Dawn. I posted them simply because I found the pics on my pc and we get to post pictures of lovely girls on here. She was 26. Yeah, she's gone, I'm not pining, I just thought most of us like looking at the pics Kevin posts and I thought I'd add mine :)



Nov 21, 2011
I don't know what Mcarterbrown is.
But if you live in Texas, you may have seen it I guess. It was so awesome (they'd never seen anyone pop smoke before and it was a great picture), it was the cover of the fields' brochure and on their business cards. Annoyed my buddies; it was great. Man, he's everywhere!
BTW, I'd just been shot there and I'm MAD. The raised hand means you're dead, please don't shoot, and I'm headed off the field :(



Dec 21, 2012
Oh its a Paintball Forum i guess others thought your photo was cool and used it as there avatar lol.
i used to play and owned my paintball business for a while selling and fixing markers.
I was a Pump player loved it until i made it a business then it drove me nuts. Should have just left it as a hobby cause now i don't have neither haha.



Nov 21, 2011
I would marry that X7 if I could. Picatinney rails are good things, are they not? I see a little Danger sticker on that thing on the right so I'm assuming that's a laser sight? Also, where's the trigger for the M203?
I've never seen the revolver or the shottie. On the revolver, is the bottom tube the pump? Is there a hopper attachment I can't see? Do you feed the balls in the bottom tube? For the shotgun, that's pretty baddass but I still can't see a hopper attachment. I'm very sorry, but I hate the middle one. I want 'em to look real like the others!
Very cool, dude.



Dec 21, 2012
I would marry that X7 if I could. Picatinney rails are good things, are they not? I see a little Danger sticker on that thing on the right so I'm assuming that's a laser sight? Also, where's the trigger for the M203?
I've never seen the revolver or the shottie. On the revolver, is the bottom tube the pump? Is there a hopper attachment I can't see? Do you feed the balls in the bottom tube? For the shotgun, that's pretty baddass but I still can't see a hopper attachment. I'm very sorry, but I hate the middle one. I want 'em to look real like the others!
ok lets see if i can answer all your questions its been a while lol

  • X7 setup
Tippmann Flatline Barrel

Folding stock (not shown in pictures)

RAP4 Phantom grenade launcher with 2 M68 grenades ( the trigger is a little button in the back you can see it in the last pic of the X7)

High Power GREEN Laser attachment (these are badass)got it off ebay

and ofcourse all the internals where done everything from polish to cyclone upgrades.
  • Pumps.
Phantom VSC
These Videos should answer your questions.

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