Art or not, perfect or not, handmade or not, pipes are an unmistakeably anachronistic item. No one sees pipes as modern or cool - they are distinctly not so. Pipes are for quiet times, pipes last for ever. There is no "built in obsolescence", no changing technology to keep up with. We are bombarded by a world of ever-increasing pressures to perform and to conform. Move faster, do more with less. Be "downsized". Be "efficient". Get V2.0 After all, we need this RIGHT NOW or you're fired.
And pipes are... well, they are a big "Fuck you." to all of it.
So here's to time well wasted. Here's to sitting back and watching. Here's to doing it tomorrow instead of yesterday. Here's to doing it the hard way instead of outsourcing it, even if you don't make quite as much profit that way.
Now you know which way the wind is blowing, and you can either scamper off to safety or light a bowl and say "Hell yeah."