PH in mouth & tobac flavor

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Can't Leave
Aug 1, 2013
it must be my PH balance - permanent - most tobaccos have no flavor & the way you guys describe - only some give me minimal flavor ie erinmore or the mac baren burley london blend - not sure why blb but anyways or latakia which i dont care for - escudo i have no flavor at all - none - like mostly all tobaccos.
anyone ever had this & had their PH tested & somehow corrected ?
i guess its the meds - heart, gout, cholesterol - the heart ones do it every time - inside they must make a soup like the 3 witches in opening scene richard 3rd by shakespeare.
- dont wish to approach my gp - well stop smoking will be his response - some tobaccos give some flavor & besides pipe smoking for me has always been relaxing.
the whole pipe smoking world lauds escudo & i dont taste anything - the pits



Jun 1, 2013
I would be more likely to look at your smoking technique than you body PH. Smoking to fast will generate heat which kills flavor. Are you puffing like a freight train, or taking slow, patient sips?



Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2015
Do you breath through your nose while smoking?
I have known people that had trouble because they would only breathe through their mouth and alternate between a pipe/cigar puff and a breath for the purpose of breathing. Really need to incorporate the nose into the experience to be able to get the flavors.



Mar 21, 2015
I would try and sip the pipe. It may not seem productive but its going to produce the most flavorful smoke you can get.



Feb 10, 2015
Generally if your getting an ammonia taste smoking to hot. Also another is the quality of your tobacco and the fact it was not cured properly.



Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
Do you smoke cigarettes? I have found that they completey distroy my taste for pipe tobaccos. I have been struggling with this the last 7 or 8 months. Finally kicked the cigs and when it's ALL out of my system, only then can I start to taste pipe tobacco again. Thank goodness because I was having a really hard time staring at all my pipes and not smoking them.



Can't Leave
Aug 1, 2013
all ok - good tobac, thru the nose, slow & sip ( 50 years ago no-one ever heard of that expression everyone smoked like a steam engine ) no cigarettes no ammonia taste.

i am convinced it is a " pH " issue but have no idea how to test pH even via a reluctant gp.
taste of food is generally good but after a pipe food has no taste even ripe fruit suggesting a pH issue after smoking but why before.

smoke only once a day so not excessive smoking.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
@smokertruck - medications can certainly have a profound effect on your palate. In fact, anything that changes your overall body chemistry--vitamins, a meal, or, conversely, long periods between meals, for example. The blends you note being able to taste clearly--Ernimore and BLB--while not getting any taste from Escudo, seems very telling. My best advice would be to ensure you're well-hydrated for starters--2.5 litres or more of water per day is required by the body, and your meds may mean you need even more. This is a good question for your physician. Aside from that, keep experimenting with different blends and genres to find what works well with your body chemistry while on the medication--perhaps burley blends fill that niche. Try some Scottish mixtures and other Latakia blends; their elevated tannins may come through more clearly on your palate. Time and patience reward the search.



Apr 1, 2013
@smokertruck - If its any consolation, all cigars taste the same to me.
Last summer at a car show, two club members each gave me a cigar that "You Have To Try This!". I smoked them both that day, but hours apart. One was at least $10 more expensive than the other. Both had the same cigar taste and room (or in this case field) note to me.



Aug 3, 2010
Going to your doctor is the sure way to take are of things. There are things however that do ring true with pH. You mentioned gout? Which can be a sign that your body is very acidic, I would be willing to bet you also suffer from acid reflux too?? There are different schools of thought about acidic vs alkaline in the body, but 1/8 teaspoon baking soda in water or apple cider vinegar once a day can bring back the normal pH to the body. baking soda contains sodium though, so if you are on a super low sodium diet then do some checking first. I personally do alot with bringing my pH levels and have never felt better. The internet is filled with natural pH foods. But again this may be something you need to talk with you fsmily doc about.

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