What? Why is this guy smoking pipes at all? Just change to cigarettes or cigars, those don't need to be breaked-in.
I hate breaking pipes in too. It's a necessary evil though. Some pipes break in easier than others. Breaking it a pipe can take a very pleasurable thing, pipe smoking, and turn it foul and wet. Companies that stain the inside of the bowl and shank are the worst. Foul bitter taste for 6-20 bowls. Of pipes that I own, some dip stained Petersons and Falcons are the worst. The bowl on my Falcon finally was sweet tasting after ~20 bowls. I have a dip stained Peterson silver capped that was a good 15 bowls.
Dip staining aside, raw bowls can be a pain too. I have a briar that a friend made me, no bowl coating, no dip stain, it was 12 smokes that were wet, hot and semi-bitter. Now, after breaking in, it's one of my best smokers. I can push it and it's sweet, dry, and cool.
The upside is, most pipes break in easily, 2-5 bowls. They taste pretty good from the first bowl, but not all.
Don't worry, you'll run into a real fun one someday.