verse, here's a review I did of this blend a little while back:
Tin note is sweet bread and a hint of Virginia hay. Presentation is typical Peterson fine ribbon. Moisture content was not bad, almost just right as is. A short dry time of ten minutes is recommended. Takes a match well and requires few if any relights.
Initial note is cavendish forward on the charring light - not in an aromatic way, but rather natural cavendish, analogous to Luxury Bullseye Flake if you dropped a rubbed-out cavendish core right on top of the bowl. I detect no Perique until about half way through the bowl when I can sense the spice in my sinus cavities. But perique content is light. Virginias assert in final half of the bowl and, in the final third it all comes together marvelously. I like blends like this that change flavors as the bowl progresses. I found, in the final quarter of the bowl, that the cavendish reasserts as pleasantly sweet.
The tin describes this blend as Virginia, Cavendish and Perique. But the description in the box at top also state's burley as an ingredient. If there is burley present, it's blended harmoniously as I don't pick it up as a dominant or distinct flavor.
While not generally a fan of Peterson blends (University Flake excepted), I really enjoy this one. An excellent VaPer hybrid for those who prefer very light Perique. A nice change of pace for smokers of PS Luxury Bullseye Flake. May not satisfy the hard core VaPer smoker but I find it a nice diversion from the main rotation. Very pleasant smoke.
As a side note, I'm surprised many found this blend medium-to-full in strength and taste. Despite the strong name, "Irish Oak", I found it very light as compared to a traditional VaPer and would highly recommend it to those just newly experimenting with this type of blend, or those who prefer a lighter blend.