The 999 shape is very nice. Not as classic in my opinion as the 9438 that GBD made, but very nice. The P lip can be a good thing, but I prefer the fishtail. Rhodesians are a favorite shape of mine, and a 999 in the rusticated finish of the Kildare line would be a nice addition. As to the comparison above with Savinelli, I have several of both Peterson, and Savinelli pipes. The upper end Savinellis have nicer grain, but Peterson drills all of their pipes well. I have never owned one that did not draw well, and I have owned some Savinellis that needed to be opened up a bit. Petersons have fills, they are a bit clunky in some shapes, but they just smoke well. Kinda like a Toyota, they just don't let you down IMO.