I just picked up a tin of this stuff on smokingpipes.com and was wondering if anyone has tried it out yet. I also picked up some Cornell and Diehl Apricots and Cream to try out. If anyone has tried anyone one of these out yet let me know.
I thought that Bob had reviewed it. But the only thing I found was a mention by Chuck (I think) that said it hadn't been released yet. That was a while back.
I have not tried any of those blends yet. I once came very close to getting some C&D Apricots and Cream, but I chose something different at the last minute. There are just so many blends to choose from, lol.
I have the same problem. I have been eying it for a while now and haven't had any Cornell and Diehl aros so I thought I jump on the first one that sounded good. I also have had nothing with apricot in it so thought it was a good choice. I haven't ordered any aros in a while so I thought I pick up a couple along with some other supply.
I tried the Apricots and Cream this morning and it was very good. Burnt very cool and was SWEET. Actually it was a little to sweet for me this morning so I sat it down half way and will probably return to it in another hour. I'm having a cook out today so I'll bust out the Summer Time 2010 as kinda of a commemorative smoke.
Finally got around to trying the Summertime Blend. It was actually very good. When smoking this you have to be in the mood for something very sweet though. It has a very fruity taste; its kinda like a mix between orange/mango and reminded me of Peterson's Luxury blend. Smoked cool and I got no bite. It was very goopy though, and left a nice bit of wet dottle at the bottom. All around another nice aromatic blend by Peterson.