I'm only a year and a half into this but I just found my jar of Peterson Old Dublin in the back of way too many open jars and I lit it up in a Savinelli Prince. I remember enjoying it when I first opened the tin 8 months or so ago. I think the tin is from 2019-2020. Anyway, this is quite nice. VERY creamy in the mouth. It feels like I ate a piece of Wagyu beef and my mouth is coated with fat. The creamiest blend I have had thus far. I also get nice light latakia and a bit of baking spice (clove nutmeg) but what really hits me is the nuttiness. Like a mouthful of walnuts. Some earthiness and mushrooms as well. Maybe a bit of leather. Very little sweetness - this is definitely savory to me. I am liking this.
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