Peterson Metal Band fell Off

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Hi Fellows,
this is a new one I've never seen before, unsmoked estate Peterson 301 System Standard estate, I removed the (military mount) stem through a light pull and twist - and off came the metal band around the shank as well. It appears to have been glued on there ever so slightly. Any ideas on putting that metal band back? I'd like to avoid glueing again because that doesn't seem to be durable at all.
Peterson quality sure has gone downhill over the past 1-2 years - I've had so many badly engineered (drilling, fitting, finish) and overall low quality Petersons in my hands over the past 6 months. Appears like most of the really "cheap" ones were manufactured 2010-2012, kind of disheartening considering these retail 120-200$...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 22, 2012
Never had this happen but my immediate reaction would be to send it to a reputable repair shop like Walker Briarworks. Unless returning it to the seller is a more attractive option. I just re-read your op, how old is the pipe? When you said unsmoked estate I assumed older pipe, but you seem to indicate it is made during the new, Apparantly lower QC era. If its new return to seller. If its older and a pipe you want to keep then get it professionally repaired.
Good luck,




May 11, 2012
if it's an estate how does the current 'perceived' Pete production problems come into play? unless there's some kind of damage simply slip it back on a touch of glue.



Jul 16, 2012
You'll have to glue it, it's no longer a tight fit (may never have been). 5 minute two-part epoxy will work. Easy peasy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Hi, thanks for the answers!
@ Gary, it's an "Estate" as in "from a private person's collection". It appears to be relatively new as there are no markings about "produced in Ireland" or similar anywhere on the bowl, just Peterson's Dublin. My guess would thus be that it was produced some time after 2010/2011? I'm not 100% when Peterson stopped marking their system pipes as made in Ireland.
@ DocHudson, it's unsmoked and according to the seller been sitting in the box ever since he had bought it. Now, I will admit that there is a possibility of mishandling or abuse of the pipe along the way from the manufacturer to the collector I acquired it from, but I don't think it likely - the fellow has an extensive pipe collection across the price range. If I had bought this pipe not from another collector, but from a B&M or Internet Retailer, I would have sent it back in a heartbeat.
Regardless of age or handling, this metal band along the shank should not ever come off unless someone applied severe force with a tool - and on purpose that - so I blame sloppy production at the factory, which is very much in line with my recent impressions of Peterson manufactured pipes.
I'll be sanding off the shank this afternoon and glueing it back in place - will report back on success or failure :)

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Kinda perplexed me as well. What do you mean when you say estate? Someone else bought it, didn't like it, never smoked it and so they sold it? If it's older than 2010 wouldn't that not play into the alleged QC problem?
I've heard of this problem once or twice before, never experienced it myself. I'd take sasquatch's advice though.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Is it a silver band or a nickel band? I'm pretty sure it should have the hallmarks if it's a silver band, because that's a national law in Ireland to have the Irish Harp stamp to denote it's from Ireland along with the grade of silver and ofcourse Peterson would add their letter stamp to denote the year.



May 22, 2012
Keep in mind that the reason it came off, may be because it was not properly drilled and that when you glue it on, the band will deeply gouge the vulcanite stem and or prevent it from being put in or taken out at all. You might have to remove some material from the band itself to form a good fit. I have had this problem with a Pete before, factory didn't have a big enough hole to even put a stem through it, disapointing (was drilled ovalish, not round). I returned that one and the next 2 after that all for major structural flaws.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Rothnh: I completely agree to that evaluation!
Eric: Ouch!
GwT + Sasquatch: Thanks for the tip with the 2 part epoxy!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Just quick feedback: 2 part epoxy worked great. I first sanded off the leftovers of the previous glue (used by the Peterson factory?) with 400 grit, then glued the metal band to the shank. I used a clamp to fix the band to the shank real tight and let it sit overnight. It's bomb-tight now :)

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