I've been working through some Peterson Flake that I cellared back in 2019 hoping to bring out some delicious flavor. While I have always struggled with Virginia's, since I quit snus, my taste for them has been slowly coming back. Peterson Flake on the other hand, especially aged, tastes like absolute ****. From the very moment the flame touches the tobacco I am greeted (or offended rather) by an acrid cigarette aroma and taste that is present as long as I keep the bowl going. I have tried it a bit moist, bone dry, medium, rubbed out, folded and stuffed, cube cut, in one pipe, in another, in a meer, in a clay, and a combination of all of the above and nothing gets rid of that awful taste. The past couple of nights I have started with a bowl of it and dumped it a quarter of the way through and moved on to another Va like HH or Orlik (granted there is a little perique in there) and those have treated me well. Is it my palate or is there a similar consensus about Peterson Flake? I guess I stocked up on those tins for nothing... I'll give them a few more years before I put them up for sale I suppose.