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Jul 13, 2010
I stopped by a local B&M tobacconist that i had never been to before and picked up an ounce each of PS B&B and this blend. Now, being somewhat new to pipe smoking, I have stuck with aromatics almost exclusively (I bought a tin of Peterson's Old Dublin and regretted it. Far too harsh for a base newbie, IMO.), but feeling a bit adventurous I got some to try. The only other non-aromatic I've smoked is a local tobacconist's bulk blend called No. 965 that I assume is supposed to be similar to Dunhill's powerhouse. Last night, I loaded up my MM Corn Cob which I've dedicated to trying non-aromatics in, so that if I get an icky blend (like Old Dublin), I haven't poisoned one of my briars with its stink.
Its "tin" note was a smoky, rich smell which for some reason made me salivate a little. I thought this was curious as this wasn't a physical response I'm used to.
After the false light, I tamped, lit again and settled down for a serious smoke. The first impressions were a nutty flavor which intensified as I went along. The first half of the bowl was marked by a peppery taste that was most welcome. As the bowl progress, I became aware of a taste that surprised me: Steak! The peppery-ness combined with this hint of steak explained my drooling earlier...
It smoked cool with no bite to a fine ash (I've found all tobaccos I've tried burn to a fine ash...). It was a full-bodied, enjoyable smoke.
My only complaint with this blend is the wooziness I got from the nicotine. Never felt so woozy as this with any other tobacco, but I AM a light-weight, so take my complaint with a grain of salt (or a ribbon of tobacco for that matter).
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this blend and it has piqued my interest in trying some other English blends. I may even (one day far off I'm sure) go back to Old Dublin, but I shudder at that thought, so maybe not.
If anyone has any suggestions for other English introduction blends, I'd be interested to hear what they are...



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
You must try some Rattrays 3noggins or some of thier other offerings , but I doubt you will find a better English blend at the PS price point . GL Pease Westminster is

simply a delight to smoke . By the way I consume all three and many more ,but these three are good enough to buy in bulk .



Jul 13, 2010
Thanks gang!
igloo, I found a tin of the Rattray's, but was astounded by the price...$23.00! Maybe that's a good price since it lists for $25.00, but I just picked out some bulk stuff to try... I plan on picking it up when there's more cash in my pocket, though. They also had Hal-O-The-Wind. Is that any good?



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I've experienced tastes similar to the "steak" flavor lordnoble reports, and I think it was Chuckw who also mentioned something similar in passing -- though I don't know which blend.
Excuse me for offering what might be an obvious link, but,

against the possibility that you might not know, check Hal O'The Wynd at



Jul 13, 2010
cortezattic said Excuse me for offering what might be an obvious link, but,

against the possibility that you might not know, check Hal O'The Wynd at

Thanks for the link. I did check the reviews on TR regarding this blend, but I was burned once by following the reviews on there so I figured I'd ask here.
I guess my question should've been more like: How does Hal-O-The-Wynd compare to 3noggins in terms of entry-level English blends? Thanks!



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Noble the Hal O' the Wynd is a red Virginia that will wake you up . No gentle Escudo type flavor here but loaded with nicotine and a hint of black pepper . The 3noggins is a balance between orientals and virginias a more true English blend . Reserve number 7 is the lightest Rattrays English blend and 3noggins is above that . Next is Black Mallory then the strongest is Red Rapparee . The Rattrays Orientals are up front, supported by the Red Virginia, Latakia and Cavendish . This makes them complex . The problem with TR is the forum is loaded with latika junkies whose taste buds have long ago burned away . lol .



Jun 2, 2010
@ Lordnoble:
Hal O' The Wynd is a fantastic Virginia, but it needs to be dealt with like a Virginia or it will bite you and taste awful. Marlin Flake and Old Gowrie are the same. Incredible sugary/fruity/grassy Virginias all of them, but they are definitely smokes that you want to concentrate on or they will flame throw your tongue and smoke harshly. They are all worth the concentration though. The smokes that result from proper Virginia packing and smoking practices are some of the most sublimely enjoyable smoking experiences I have had in my 13 years of smoking a pipe.



Jun 2, 2010
Yeah I love that steak flavour that comes from certain English/Balkan blends. It's that salty, leathery, smokey roasted meat flavour that does make your mouth water. When it is presented with the right kind of Virginia sweetness and oriental spiceyness it reminds me of asian food like teriyaki.



Jul 13, 2010
Thanks for the heads-up On the HotW, guys. I'm gonna pick up the 3noggins soon, for sure, though. I think I'll wait until I'm a little more familiar with non-aromatics before I try too many VA-heavy blends. Thanks again.



Jul 8, 2010
If you're having trouble getting into latakia blends, I recommend mixing some BCA with it to aid in your acclimation. I like a 50/50 mixture. Or you could try Just For Him's Whiskey Biscuit Gravy, which is essentially the same thing.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
You have captured my interest now.I'm going to my tobacconist tomorrow to see what I can find.

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