Recently I have become interested in clothing which is a bit better than my usual fair. Until now I've been a great fan of Uni-Qlo. A little-known budget brand outside Asia, their clothes are decently made and well-priced but recently they seem to have decided to only make clothes for anorexic ten year olds or freaks of nature, It doesn't help that I have a "Scottish" physique, i.e. short with broad shoulders and strong legs. This is the antithesis of the Chinese body. Not to be indelicate, but it's been a real trial trying to find underwear with enough "room in the pocket". Thank God for Marks and Spencer, which recently expanded to my city. However, last year I discovered Avirex, and I am generally very happy with what they make. But tonight I logged onto Evisu [I know they are not what they used to be] and was simply unable to find any way of getting to a product overview, instead being bombarded by a constant stream of waif-like creatures who seemed to be either very depressed or suffering from a rare genetic disease. It is the same with high end watch sites; you want to check out which models might be appropriate and isntead you get bathed in images of women you could never hope to meet having champagne on a yacht!
Can we please just have the facts? I say to hell with your "ethos". I do not want to follow you on Twitter! What do you sell, where is it made and how much does it cost?
p.s. I bought a pair of Levi's in December and was horrified to dicover this "American Legend" was made in Pakistan....home of the Taliban. WTF?
Can we please just have the facts? I say to hell with your "ethos". I do not want to follow you on Twitter! What do you sell, where is it made and how much does it cost?
p.s. I bought a pair of Levi's in December and was horrified to dicover this "American Legend" was made in Pakistan....home of the Taliban. WTF?