Good Lord, 91 Dunhills! Foggy, it seems you are to Dunhill what Jim Lilley is to Peterson! (I am green with envy :mrgreen: !) Well done! I wish you many good years to enjoy them all.
You certainly keep those pipes beautifully polished. Wonderful.
I think I'll show my 1934 Dunhill Vernon tenon bent dublin. I just love this pipe.
Great pipes! This sub forum is so timely for me as I want to learn as much as possible about the old London made estates. I love old wood and especially the English made. I'm in it for the smoking quality and not so much the aesthetics so I hope to see some great collecting advice here. Thanks for this btw!
Foggy, I didn't think you were a churchwarden type of guy. Just seems so . . . impractical for you.
Those are stunning Dunnies, as always. The grain on the second one down brings a tear to my eye.
Funny, I never took you for a panel pipe kinda guy... Love all the wood in the forth photo.... But all wonderful pipes foggymountain.... I'll go to sleep dreaming.....
Peck: Those Churchwardens are very mellow and mild. Good for late night smokes when you have already smoked too much. There are a few more Dunhill pictures in my photobucket library. When I get all of them up to my house I will do a complete set of pictures.