Towards the end of my run on cigs, I smoked American Spirit Blacks and handrolls exclusively. I really thought the blacks were fantastic. I can't remember how I came to believe this, but I thought they were made up of Virginias and Perique only, at like 90/10 ratio, but please don't take that as gospel.
The D&R Rimboches are definitely worth checking out. I'd also suggest something like GL Pease Fillmore, though that is a flake, so it might not be what you're looking for. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning has a heavier hand with the perique than the American Spirit blend, but it might be worth your while, so I second that suggestion. Haddo's Delight, though it has a bit of a liquor flavoring added, is really good, too.
Escudo (a coin cut) and Elizabethan Mixture might also be good.
Are you, or is someone you know, looking to transition off of cigarettes? Or it just a matter of like the ASBs and wanting something similar in pipe form