I understand your point and agree that some tobacco blenders put out a crappy product in fancy packaging and expect us to fall in love with nasty tobacco (again, a subjective statement). However, there are some companies that are putting the care into their blends and it shows. I just wanted to throw my two cents in and politely express my opposing view that not "nearly every blend out there right now" lacked the care and at the same time throw a shout out to the guys at TCS.Not really as like I said too much is subjective. I like peanut butter and horseradish on toast many very likely don't. Not trying to ne better than anyone, but pandering to everyone in the tobacco world is why we still have any at all. If companies only catered to selective tastes, the market would have gone under and the antis would have eaten us alive years ago. Just remember what Russ Ouellette said about aromatics being the main seller of any company. Once those go, this ship sinks.