So I ahd the chance several months ago to jump on Tue penzance bad wagon, bought an ounce, then stimbled across 8 more. Smoked the first ounce..loved it then open the 8 ounces tonight after taking a few months sabatical.
I smoked a lot of blends in between. The only other latakia blend that has impressed anywhere near as much is the spc plum pudding. It is official. Penzance iw utterly delicious. It is my favorite tobacco, and I will now hoard it like no other.
Very well rounded tobac. Little puch. Lotta tobacco flavor. No bite.
I retreat to cry.
I smoked a lot of blends in between. The only other latakia blend that has impressed anywhere near as much is the spc plum pudding. It is official. Penzance iw utterly delicious. It is my favorite tobacco, and I will now hoard it like no other.
Very well rounded tobac. Little puch. Lotta tobacco flavor. No bite.
I retreat to cry.