Seadog, how will Phil be able to gripe and moan about Penzance every time someone mentions it in a post, if he has actually tried it?
Wow... ya really lost me with statement!
I simply stated here and possibly on other similar threads about Penzance being available that I’m not one of those who wishes to waste my time chasing it down and or pay above the normal retail price for it, or any other tobacco for that matter when there are a
plethora of other easily obtainable tobaccos. If by chance I could purchase a bag/tin for the proper retail price I’d buy it in a heartbeat as I have nothing whatsoever against it, nor have I ever stated so seeing that I’ve never tried it. I believe it’s called an ‘opinion’ which is part and parcel of what a forum site is all about is it not? If I may quote myself as to what I said on this thread, as you obviously didn’t quite comprehend it:
Being retired and living on a small pension isn't very conducive to spend that much money on something I might end up not caring for all that much.
Then again, in all my years I've never yet found a tobacco that would make me lose sleep, or trouble me in the least if I could no longer obtain it.
If that is ‘gripe and moan’ to you then we have an entirely different understanding on the meaning of those words! Also, I believe I’m not the only one who has stated the same opinion, so why am I so fortunate enough to be the lucky one to gain the center of your attention on this? Other than that, I can’t fathom why it seems to bother you so much! Relax, enjoy the Memorial holiday with a bowl of your favorite tobacco. Life is too short to get upset about something so trivial. :wink: