Something about the Pete Walnut Spigot....GRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This is the one I gifted to a good brother of mine...he said it smokes like a dream...
SmokingDragon... I hate you ! ;-) (kidding).
Now that I've got that off my chest... who wants to sponsor me ?
This puppy would satisfy the need for a spigot, ball shape and nicely colored stem...but it's also out of my league. It's only 2.5 times as much as I want to spend right now. But it sure is a beauty ! Adding it to the list when I get the tax refund.
I want a Pete Spigot in the worst way, I've been looking at them for quite some time now and I may have to pull the trigger soom, wife be damned. I can always ask for forgiveness later :crying:
Pipedisciple: Wow brave man you are. My PAD hits cost me double: I hand off some greenbacks to the wife and everything's cool. She calls it hush money! Kind of like the shoe cartoon on the homepage -what's fair is fair I guess.
Oh man. It was under control, really, I haven't bought a pipe in 3 weeks. Now, you have sent a picture of a pipe I now covet. Urg, PAD is grabbing my wallet.
Nice pipes, all of them.