PAD - Baki meer

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Jan 31, 2011

I want to thank whoever it was for bringing these Baki meers to my attention...I'm sorry I don't recall who, but it's just another of the wonderful things I've learned from this forum. I have 2 meers that I've had for quite a while now, and have smoked them off and on, but have never been all that impressed. Neither seem to smoke as well as almost all of my briars. I've wanted to try a higher quality meer before giving up on them, and after learning of Baki, decided to give it a try.
These seem to be very reasonably priced for the quality, and the pipe arrived just a few days after ordering, in perfect condition. It is just gorgeous and very well crafted...and smokes fantastic! They also included the pictured stand in addition to a fitted case. I loaded it up with Billy Budd (which I'm loving more and more with every bowl of it I smoke these days) and I have to say it tasted noticeably better on the first bowl than in any of the briars I've smoked it in. I fear this could be the beginning of a full conversion to Meerism for me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 5, 2012
Glad you found a meerschaum you like. I love my Sener, and without a doubt it smokes better than any of my briars. I need to get some higher quality briars before I decide if I go full meer myself.



Jan 31, 2011
@lonestar: lol...yes, I will attempt as much as possible to objectively monitor my condition.
@grizzly86: Exactly the same thoughts here...I really do need to acquire a few more higher end briars when possible, which I intend to do from here on out. I have several mid-range that are almost all decent smokers, but only a couple that really stand out. One is a Sav Hercules and the other a Luciano. In addition I have only one high end briar, an Ashton...and it is awesome.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2011
Nice! I almost bought that one from the one site I know of that sells them. Fad to go on an unexpected trip.

Baki is on my short list of Meers I would like to have. I appreciate the real intricately carved pipe, but prefer more simple, classic designs for smoking.



Mar 23, 2012
Emerson, Arkansas
Treading very lightly so as not to cross the line here, I do know of a seller

home ported in Eskisehir that has an on-line store on eBay that has Eman

Brothers, Kunret, Medet and Tekim pipes directly from the masters.

I have to mention that I have absolutely no interest in her business and am related

in no way what so ever with her success. I'm only passing some good information.

I guess I'll call this a review of a seller of pipes: I have bought 20 or more

meerschaum's from her in the last four years with no problems.

She doesn't deal exclusively with the master carvers, as she does have some, well,

what I call junk also. But if you're looking for a good pipe, look at "meerschaumpipes",

(the seller name), her on-line store is "Meerco Meerschaum Pipes".

(She does accept a lesser bid than what she lists as bottom dollar).



Jan 31, 2011
@topd: I think I do remember now...I believe it was you who mentioned Bakis in a fairly recent post...thanks. I don't know a lot about meers...the only thing I was aware of as far as quality goes is to buy block meers rather than pressed. There is obviously much more to it than that though, because this Baki is definitely of considerably higher quality imo than the other 2 meers I have, which are both block meers. One is AND, the other is a generic brand I'm aware of. There really is no comparison at all with the Baki...this Baki seems like my first real meer to me.



Mar 23, 2012
Emerson, Arkansas
I could be wrong, but I don't think there are many trying to pass off 'pressed' meerschaum as carved

pipes anymore. Although you'll still see them in calabash bowls. I have several 'no name' pipes from

the 70's that are really quit good, you just have to be careful now and know/trust your seller. I

believe Deniz Ural is the only importer of Baki pipes now as he doesn't sell in the U.S. otherwise.

(That's who you got yours from). He's a good honest guy and always throws something in... like the

pipe stand. I hope you enjoy your new pipe, and welcome to the world of meerschaum!
Those of you going to the Chicago Pipe Show can most likely see Ural's wears, pick up and handle

a good Meer.... (if you're a novice, just a hint, hold it by the stem, not the white part).

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