Packing Half and Half Pipe Tobacco

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Might Stick Around
Mar 16, 2013
Burlington, North Carolina
For those who like and smoke Half and Half pipe tobacco, can you tell me the best way to pack and smoke it to get the most enjoyment from smoking it? The reason I ask is I've been smoking H&H for a while and do like it but still have problems keeping it lit. I don't pack it too tight but someone suggested that I pack it loose which only makes trying to keep it lit even worse.
Also for those who've been smoking H&H for a long time can you tell me what you like about it the best. Seeing it's been around for decades it must have something going for it in spite of some of the bad reviews I've read.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
Hey bear! I haven't smoked H&H but I would think it's like most other tobaccos in that you just have to get the right feel for packing it. I'm still no pro when it comes to packing but I'd like to think I'm improving haha. Hope this was a little bit helpful for you man.



Jun 9, 2011
Wish I could help you bearwolf but after 1 bowl the only other place I packed it was into the garbage can!!!! :lol:



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Like packing any bowl, I use the gravity feed method. Just insert pinches of tobacco gently one after the other, till the bowl is overflowing, then firmly compress with finger tip. Check draw so its not too tight. Then the Charing light, tamp to a firm flat surface, then light. It's important to dry your tobacco before loading. It's also important, from my point of view, to clench the pipe while smoking. This will insure the pipe doesn't go out, and will train you subconsciously to develop a slow sipping smoking cadence. The cooler the smoulder the more flavorful the smoke.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I don't know how it is cut anymore. It used to be a cube cut. However, lately I've been using the "twist" method. I put some tobacco in my palm and twist the pipe down on it. i find it to be a very simple and effective way to load. The theory is that you get a good pack in the middle but leave a pocket near the bottom of the bowl so you get a clean draw. Several people here use it and seem pleased with the results.



Feb 21, 2013
For whatever reason, Half and Half has always lit readily and stayed lit for me. Maybe I've ended up

with older pouches that have somewhat dried out on the store shelf. I think some of the dissatisfaction

with H&H and with most or all other Burleys is that about half the pipe-smoking population genetically

doesn't taste Burley tobacco; they proclaim loudly, it has no taste. The sense of taste is like that; it's

been researched for a half century or more. (For example, some people find the taste of lamb repulsive,

whereas I love it; I find liver to have an ammonia stricken awful taste, and many find it delicious.) So

Burley is the liver of tobacco; you either love it or can't taste it. Find out which way it is for you, and go

with it. My theory to explain these contradictory reports.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I recently bought a 12 oz can of Half and Half and I find I do enjoy the stuff. I haven't had a problem yet keeping it lit but I am a clencher myself. I use primarily the gravity feed method even when packing out of my pouch. I wonder if you got a funny batch? It's cube cut and usually I don't even have to do a second light because it just catches and stays lit. But my pipe does get pretty hot though so maybe I would benefit from letting it go out once in a while.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
It should be packed to a "sponge" reflex. If to loose. it will press and leave the bowl to fill. If too tight, it will not feel "spongy". Half and Half was better in the old days before they removed the Deer Tongue (herb). Deer Tongue is very expensive and hard to come by these days. Craig Tarler at C&D told me a couple years ago that he had 90 pounds of Deer Tongue and that he had been guarding it with his life! C&D has some Deer Tongue Blends. My favorite is Gentleman Caller. I smoked Half and Half exclusively for 29 years before I met Craig Tarler and got serious about blending. What I notice about Half and Half these days is two things. 1.) It is soaked with PG (Propylene Glycol - a preservative). It makes your smokes wet and goopy. 2.) they stopped adding Deer Tongue to their blend and that leaves it flat (in my opinion) from what it has been in the past. Finally, it is my opinion that the "topping" is comprised of cinnamon and caramel with a touch of mint. A few year ago I came close to it in my own blending experience. If you enjoy it, smoke it. It has stood the test of time. But, personally, I can no longer tolerate the commercial OTC blends soaked with PG to extend shelf life.
My very best to you,

Captain Bob




Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 31, 2012
I love Half and Half, and I keep it lit better than any other tobacco I've tried. I just pack to feel, and though Ive read a lot that since its a fine cut tobacco you should pack it lighter than normal, I don't really pack it that light and I have no problems. I usually don't even let the stuff dry out, I often pack it out of the pouch when its still pretty moist. I should probably dry the whole of it out, but I still get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I love the simple nutty flavour, if you'd call it nutty, I'm not very good at depicting tastes.



Mar 9, 2010
I pack it like all other tobaccos, sort of like a modified Frank method. I don't worry about it going out, I just re-light if needed.
I wish I could get my hands on some deer's tongue seeds. :(
Once I mixed in a little 1Q to emulate the original flavor (deer's tongue is a really nice vanillaish plant) and my better half commented "Now that smells really great!". One can only imagine what the original smelled/tasted like.



Might Stick Around
Mar 16, 2013
Burlington, North Carolina
Great suggestions from all you gentlemen. I think my problem is a combination of it being a little too wet, and my packing technique needs a little work. So I'm going to let it dry out some more and try some of you guys' packing suggestions. I must be one of the few that can taste burly because I do like the taste of Half and Half as well as other burleys.
This might sound a little naïve but a couple of you mentioned "clenching" your pipe when you smoke your pipe. Since I usually keep the pipe in my mouth when I smoke a bowl, meaning I don't take it out between puffs so it stays sort of "clenched" while I smoke a bowl. That is unless I'm misunderstanding what you're talking about.
Thank you guys again for the great suggestions.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Yep, you're correct bearwolf. By clenching I'm referring to exactly what you're doing. Namely, keeping the pipe clenched or hanging from the mouth. Like you, I find piping like this helps greatly in developing a slow, patient smoking cadence.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Call Cornell and Diehl and ask them if you can buy a couple ounces of Deer Tongue. My guess is that if you make a minimum (small order) like one of their Samplers, they would likely accomodate you. Tell them Captain Bob sent you!




Mar 9, 2010
I wish I could but it is such a pain in the a** to order anything tobacco related outside of Europe for me. :(
But thank you for the suggestion.

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