PA Cops Can Search Your Car Without a Warrant

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Jul 27, 2012
I drive a 9 year-old green Chevy Equinox. My crime is bad taste.
Oh boy, here we go again.
The thing is, it's not too difficult to see how something like this can be abused.
"if you don't have anything to hide, what are you worried about?"
Good point cosmic. On that point, we all have read stories of DAs, judges and cops sending innocent people to jail knowing full well these people are innocent. I am not saying it happens all the time, just that it happens. Human beings are a mixed up lot and you've got kooks and crazies in all walks of life and can be found in all professions.
So it is of course worrisome when egregious powers are handed over to large group of people, some good and some bad.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
I see this being a big issue, all you need is a women to say a cop forced her out of her car and that would be the end of this nonsense.



Jan 25, 2012
I ride my bicycle a lot of the time. Not many places to hide stuff. The tubes are hollow though. :roll:



Can't Leave
Feb 17, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
So, a cop can search you just because he "suspects" that you "might" be doing something wrong?
I thought only wives were allowed to do that! :?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
Yup, if a cop pulled me over on my bike id be a smart ass and ask how fast was i going lol.



Oct 10, 2013
"I see this being a big issue, all you need is a women to say a cop forced her out of her car and that would be the end of this nonsense."
Sorry, but I see your assumption as being completely wrong. Warrantless car searches are the status quo in many other states, as well in all federal jurisdictions. Getting this reversed is not likely.
PA is increasingly less free. With the encroachment of NY and NJ refugees, looking for more house and demanding less freedom ("Why don't we have a police force in this township?" I hear them cry), the bell tolls loud and long for the cradle of the nation.
As my late, great father used to opine "What this world needs is a good pandemic that will wipe out 2/3'ds of the population".



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
All i ever learned was from my mother and she told me if a woman hits you you hit back.

Dec 24, 2012
there are abuses by government in every nation on earth, and Canada is no exception. It simply enjoys the benefits of being a segregated monoculture
Actually, Canada is more culturally diverse than the US. We are anything but a monoculture. See:
For all our warts, I will take America over Canada any day.....I have rights here that Canadians can only dream of
To each his own. I enjoy both countries and think we are more similar than we are different. There are things I love about the US and hate about Canada and vice-versa. We do have different historical origins that have shaped our societies and there is no question that this leads to some differences. The issue of what "rights" you view as important will obviously be heavily influenced by your upbringing and a whole variety of exogenous factors.
Just remember - we have 20% of the world's fresh water, a huge endowment of natural resources (second only to Russia), and less than half of one percent of the world's population. There is a reason why the Chinese are trying to cozy up to us.



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
To each his own. I enjoy both countries and think we are more similar than we are different. There are things I love about the US and hate about Canada and vice-versa. We do have different historical origins that have shaped our societies and there is no question that this leads to some differences. The issue of what "rights" you view as important will obviously be heavily influenced by your upbringing and a whole variety of exogenous factors.
Just remember - we have 20% of the world's fresh water, a huge endowment of natural resources (second only to Russia), and less than half of one percent of the world's population. There is a reason why the Chinese are trying to cozy up to us.
Not to mention, you Canadians have proper bacon, Her Majesty the Queen as monarch, and some of the best scenery anywhere. God bless Canada from your friends over here!
All i ever learned was from my mother and she told me if a woman hits you you hit back.

Your mother taught you wrong then.



Oct 10, 2013
The diversity of Canada is concentrated into two areas: The urban areas, where you see the cultural conflicts of recent immigrants manifested in the form of crime and poverty, and in the bush, where the 600-odd tribes of First Nations folks live a life only slightly less subjugated and poverty-infested than their brethren in the US. There may be 600+ tribes, but that's not what I'd call diverse in the sense that we are talking about. It's a fine division amongst a broad class of indigenous people.

Dec 24, 2012
anglesey, what I love about the UK is that you guys know that the last letter in the alphabet is pronounced "Zed" not "Zee".
A friend of mine from the UK lived and worked in New York for a number of years. He used to joke that he knew it was time to move back to the UK when his kid came home from school one day and assured him that the last letter in the alphabet was "Zee." As he used to say, enough of these "colonial educational institutions". LOL



Oct 10, 2013
"But isn't the cultural diversity of the US similarly concentrated in urban areas? "
Yes, to some degree it is. There is a large rural population of certain ethnic groups, though. The US also has a much higher population density than Canada, and some rather seriously entrenched problems related our our failure to integrate and educate immigrants in recent times. Oh, and that little, lingering legacy of indentured servitude.
It is also my impression that cultural and ethnic identity in Canada is not used as a Balkanization cleaving point the way it is here in the US. Please correct me if I am wrong. The US gov't uses diversity as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy. It hasn't helped with unit cohesiveness.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
So, a cop can search you just because he "suspects" that you "might" be doing something wrong?
I thought only wives were allowed to do that!
In Canada, we don't have "probable cause" searches, so generally a warrant would be needed to search a vehicle. A couple of exceptions to this would be the "plain view" doctrine (if a cop saw something illegal in your vehicle just by looking in the window), a search incident to arrest of the occupant (for an offence) or a consent search. But bear in mind, in Canada a "consent search" isn't just the cop asks you if it is okay and you say yes. The cop has to explain that you don't have to say "yes", that you can tell him to stop at any time, that you can call a lawyer, and that you understand the jeopardy that you are putting yourself in.

Dec 24, 2012
It is also my impression that cultural and ethnic identity in Canada is not used as a Balkanization cleaving point the way it is here in the US. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I'm not so sure of that. In Canada, the concept of a melting pot seems to have been largely rejected in favour of a cultural mosaic, whatever the hell those terms mean. Clearly we have had many issues with the French culture over the years with respect to the possible separation of Quebec.
In Canada, we don't have "probable cause" searches, so generally a warrant would be needed to search a vehicle. A couple of exceptions to this would be the "plain view" doctrine (if a cop saw something illegal in your vehicle just by looking in the window), a search incident to arrest of the occupant (for an offence) or a consent search. But bear in mind, in Canada a "consent search" isn't just the cop asks you if it is okay and you say yes. The cop has to explain that you don't have to say "yes", that you can tell him to stop at any time, that you can call a lawyer, and that you understand the jeopardy that you are putting yourself in.
Indeed, which is why I was surprised that something like this could ever pass constitutional scrutiny in the US. Shocking that we have more rights than our southern neighbours with respect to search and seizure.



Oct 10, 2013
"melting pot seems to have been largely rejected in favour of a cultural mosaic"
In theory, the same is true in the US, but in reality, the government pits one group against another in order to divide and conquer. All the while espousing unity, diversity, anti-racism, inclusiveness and tolerance.
Cognitive dissonance on steroids.

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