P&T Magazine Summer 2013 Issue is a Travesty

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 20, 2013
You make a great point Kashmir. I see the word "established" and "long time" thrown about when describing these Gentlemen. I know what I am about to say will irritate some, and before I say it I want to make clear that I know Joe and I really like him. I think he does some pretty nice work and I am not degrading him in any way. But Joe has been making pipes for roughly ten years, Nate has been making pipes for six. To say that either one of them is "established" is a stretch. They are the new "young guns" of the pipe world and I am sure that some day they will be regarded as the "old pros", but not yet. They are niche carvers, the ones that "think outside of the box". They will take a piece of briar and make a "one of a kind" pipe. Their pipes will catch the eye of some and folks will stop by the table at the shows to look, but when it comes to pulling the trigger and dropping between five hundred a thousand dollars for a pipe, most will go to the truly "established" carvers. Given a choice between a "one of a kind" five hundred dollar pipe, (or a five hundred dollar pipe that is a standard shape for that matter), or a Tinsky, Bonaquisi, Ells, Rad Davis, Dunhill, Ashton, etc. I won't be buying the "one of a kind". (No slam on Joe or any of the other new up and comers in the business. They do some pretty incredible work) It's a matter of before I spend my money, I like to know what I am going to get and that's where the "old pros" have proven themselves over time.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Ok guys, ya beat up ole Nero Wolf enough. Its ok to disagree but let us not lambaste the fellow. So he was a bit over the top. We all get a little over excited about a thing from time to time.

I love steam punk the artistry, the stories, and the concepts.

Being into motorcycles it is refreshing to see folks use materials like brass, copper, leather, and wood. Chrome is so boring, and fiberglass and vinyl is just blah.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 19, 2013
Oh, Steampunk's far more than costuming - the aesthetic got its start (or at least its name) in literature in the 1970's and has expanded to include visual arts, music, fiber arts, film, and yes, pipemaking. Besides - if one is enjoying the pipe (whatever shape one chooses), what's the problem with one that evokes pleasant memories of reading Tolkien, Doyle, Wells, Verne etc., or watching the films and TV series based on their work?
Nothing wrong with it, I just can't take it seriously. Some people make cars that look like trains just for show and to entertain. That is all well and good but I'm sure they wont be on the cover of car and driver any time soon.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I thought the cover was excellent. Then I delved into all the hardware which took away from the briar that I was attracted to. It doesn't really matter to me, anyway. Overall, I thought the content of this issue was better than last month. I love the short-stories by Mark Monroe Dion. I met Chuck Stanion at Chicago and we both enjoyed a delightful visit with Patty Tarler of C&D (the late Craig Tarler's spouse). Chuck is a real gentleman and I thanked him for his magazine. I hold him and his magazine in the highest regard. I let him know that and I consider it an honor to have been introduced to him by Patty Tarler. It was an honor. That chance encounter was a highlight of the Chicago Show for me. And, he said that he had heard of Captain Bob! That made me happy, as well. I am loyal to his publication for many years and I save them all. I delight in his editorial in every issue and so does my wife.




Jul 20, 2010
I do not feel beat up; no worries; the bleeding has stopped!! I did put my post on 4 different Foums beacuse I wanted to reach as wide an audience as possible, and not everyone looks at every Forum. I felt (feel) strongly about this as a personal view, as a great admirer of Joe's craftsmanship, and I have "no skin in this game" nor any financial connection. My expression of irritation was based on the view (my view) that the cover photo on the P&T Magazine was selected based on some tangible / intangible assessment of the quality / worthiness of the subject relative to other items in the issue. In reply to my post on this subject on the Pipes and Tobacco Foundations Forum website, Chuck Stanion, Editor-in-Chief of the P&T Magazine, replied as follows:
Quote: "We choose the cover based on the quality of the photo, not on the perceived merit of the pipemaker associated with a story. You'll get no argument from me that Joe Skoda is a great pipemaker. He provided the pipe photos for his story and none were adequate for the cover. At that size/resolution they were pixilated. The gear punk pipe was sufficiently different to be interesting and had the necessary resolution.

Several times over the years I've received angry emails from people who percieve the choice of a particular cover photo as an insult to another person covered in the magazine, and I've never managed to see the logic. The cover does not represent our idea of the most important story in the magazine; it represents our best shot at printing an interesting photo that will encourage people to open the magazine. Even so, I'd be uncomfortable even implying that one pipemaker in the magazine is more important than another. They all deserve full credit.

Chuck”...end quote
So, it came purely down to quality of the photograph / ability of the photograph to engage an audience ! This could lead to a whole new series of responses on the merits of such an approach, as the recognition associated with being represented on the cover of any publication can have significant impact on an individual’s stature in their area, etc., and to leave it up to the quality of a photograph seems quite banal. In any case, I certainly appreciate the “engaged” and “pointed” discussion, chaps !



Might Stick Around
Dec 6, 2011
I'd like to thank everyone for the kind words. I am completely humbled and amazed I got the cover for the Summer issue. So thankful to Mr Stanion and Ross for their support. I would like to say I'm sorry to anyone who feels slighted by my work being on the cover rather than Joe's, or anyone else's. I have a lot of respect for Joe.
Thanks again.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Hate the steam punk, it looks like something some stoner threw together in shops class behind the teachers back to smoke weed in.

Like it reminds me of one of my bongs, like as if I'd ever fill my bong up with tobacco and smoke it. #fail.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
duckfat, lighten up Francis. Cortez was being facetious, and was not taking a shot at pm magazine. You need to understand how we bust balls around here before you go off on an old timer like Cortez. Now apologize and beg his forgiveness or he will have you banned. He has the juice around here.



Jun 13, 2012
Cortez is one heck of a guy. Settle down duckfat



Dec 11, 2012
Pssst - Andrew -
That IS something a stoner put together. Mezzrow's smoking products are not carried by tobacconists, if you get my drift... :wink:
Nate King's steampunk "Gear Punk" pipe looks like a pipe and not so much like the product of a tornado in a hardware store. :D



Jun 13, 2012
I looked at both sites but have not smoked a Joe or Nate creation. Good, bad, or as ugly as this thread is, it gave me an opportunity to view both makers. It at also makes me think I need to subscribe to P&T Magazine. Any publicity is good publicity right? Some day Joe may be on the cover when Nate is featured. Who knows?
Some pipe makers barely keep up with demand. This is what truly puzzles me though. Hmmn.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I think the cover was very attractive. I was attracted to the briar. Then, I saw the hardware. That is not for me. But, I did appreciate the briar. I am currently reading this issue so I do not have a "grade" for this issue as of yet. But, so far, I am enjoying it.


click to enlarge



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Pssst - Andrew -
That IS something a stoner put together. Mezzrow's smoking products are not carried by tobacconists, if you get my drift...
Ahh, thanks, I would love to do some bong rips off it, but not tobacco.
@Duckfat settle down noob, just because a member with way more standing than you doesn't like the look of something doesn't give you the right to go in a full on chimpout about it.
Stuff like this I like, anything that still has the traditional pipe look to it, but I don't care for the nuts and bolts in some of them.

Stuff like this though I don't understand, it doesn't seem very functional




May 11, 2012
I never had bought the mag or more than glanced at it on the way in and out of the local shop.. this one I picked up and bought within even flipping through it to see what all the commotion was.

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