P&T Magazine Summer 2013 Issue is a Travesty

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Jul 20, 2010
I am bitterly disappointed with the Summer 2013 issue of the P&T Magazine (the hardcopy magazine, not this fine and fantastic online PIPESMAGAZINE.COM)! There is an article inside about Joe Skoda, who is one of the finest pipe makers in the USA / World (in my view), yet the cover photo is of a "Gear Pump" / "Steam Punk" pipe !!!!! No offense to the artisan associated with the cover, but Joe Skoda is a long-time innovative craftsman, artist and superb pipe maker, and it should have been one of his pipes on the cover of the magazine. If P&T is now oriented to the "steam punk" crowd, then it has shifted from a focus on fine smoking pipes, and has probably lost me as one interested in what the magazine covers and writes about. Seems like true, established craftsmen are getting short shrift (at least in this issue)!



Dec 11, 2012
While it does seem that everyone lately is jumping on the Steampunk bandwagon, rest assured that it irritates us Steampunks as much as it does anyone else. Being the new market segment that's ripe for exploitation by craftsmen simply because we have an interest in hand-made stuff (and a certain amount of disposable income) is quite fatiguing, really. And having looked up the cover image in question, while it's an interesting piece, I'm afraid my first question was "But how well does it smoke?".
Please, sir - don't blame the Steampunks for a questionable editorial decision. While there is a somewhat lamentable emphasis on appearances among some segments of the Steampunk population, those of us who actually make our outfits and contraptions do, in fact, care about the engineering that goes into a proper smoking pipe - even if our second question is "Will it go with such-and-such an outfit?". :D



Can't Leave
Apr 16, 2013
That one needs a bit more cogs and ratchets...
In all seriousness, I do think the steam punk pipes are neat to look at, but I wouldn't want to try and smoke very many of them.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
The pipe in question is by Nate King, he is an up and coming pipe maker from central Indiana. I own two of his very excellent pipes and they smoke as well as my Dunhills. Whilst my pipes are of a more traditional design, I'm quite sure that his steam punk designs would smoke just as well. We (pipe smokers), need to embrace all of those who wish to smoke with us, regardless of your personal taste in pipes. I have come to regard Nate as a friend, and to call his artisan pipes a TRAVESTY is uncalled for.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
I sure appreciate Pipes & Tobaccos Magazine and all that Chuck Stanion and company do to further our great hobby. It has been a steady and strong publication since its inception in 1996. Personally, I think that publicly tossing out verbal garlic regarding this month's P&T issue just because you don't like the cover choice is over the top silly. I personally don't smoke corn cobs, antique or meerschaum pipes. But, I don't get a knotted up belly when photos of those kinds of pipes appear on the cover. I've never smoked a Steampump pipe but do like the artistry I've seen on some of them. And if several members of the Briar Brotherhood enjoy them, kudos to them and I am pleased P&T has taken the time to recognize their brand of pleasure.
I will take this opportunity to thank P&T Magazine for another great issue (and yes, Joe Skoda is one of the best and I loved the article on him), and also thanks to P&T for enhancing our hobby and fighting for pipe smoker rights for the past 17-years. Keep up the great work, P&T!




Jan 8, 2011
@nerowolfe - exaggerate much. Make sure you send a letter to the Editor in Chief letting him know to make sure he runs the next cover by you before they publish. I am sure he knows his entire business hinges on your nickel.
I love when people join just to rant about something. Really adds some meat to the site.
nerowolfe, I think to call something a travesty just because you don't understand something is a travesty. Then to publicly call them just vilify's you as a narrow minded grump. Voice your displeasure or debate the choice, that's fine. But what you are doing is just distasteful. I would think someone who is a pipe smoker would have more of an open mind when it comes to anything regarding this hobby, because if people don't continue to expand and refresh the hobby, it will die on the vine, and that is something many pundits and politicians would love to see.
EDIT: nerowolfe, I do hope you stick around. I do seeing / participating in debates. A different POV is always welcome. Just lighten up a bit.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
We need to enjoy all phases of our devotion, not beat ourselves up from within. I"m an old fart and I like that look, kind of like the triumph chopper I helped my boy build.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Yes, I think the OP is over the top silly. All pipes should be welcome as cover art, even tho they may not be my cup of tea, as is the case here. PTMagazine is a cherished member of my pipe library, and I read it cover to cover. Next month why not put Stephen Downie's Ray Gun pipe on the cover? Anything bearing on pipes and tobacco, their history and evolution is fine by me.



Mar 19, 2013
I'm not wild about the style, I prefer the classics. To each his own.
Nero, everyone is entitled to stepping in it once in awhile - don't worry, this is a great bunch of guys - we just don't always agree.
Did you buy the magazine, or just pass it by because of the cover?



Jul 20, 2010
I appreciate everyone’s comments; while I may disagree with some, I made my personal point and everyone has made theirs. BTW I have always viewed the wording in the title of a post (like mine) just like a newspaper headline or a magazine cover: needs to have a hook to grab!
Being on the cover of a magazine in any hobby, politics, etc., is of great impact to the individual, and generally is a one-time opportunity; accordingly, it does make a difference.

Smoke easy !



Jul 2, 2009
New England
Interesting thread and sure to be controversial as seen already.

The cover photo of P&T magazine will certainly grab some interest and lots of opinions for sure. I've never heard the term steam punk pipes until very recently. Being an old duffer, they certainly are not for me. I guess I can regard these pipes as the rapper's equivalent to music, or is that a bad analogy??? LOL

I was told that Joe Skoda was going to be the Headliner for this issue, so it turns out to be an Editorial decision made bad IMO.

Hats off to the new concept in pipe design, it surely takes some imagination to create steam punk pipes, as well as some of the exotic shapes that we see from other makers.

I'll stick to my old fogey traditional shapes though.

I can see where this is going already, pipe shows will be divided by traditional sections, monstrosity sections, steam punk sections, blowfish tables, and whatever next creation comes up the pike!! Something for pipe smokers of every age. I'll be in the old Geezer section. :rofl:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I buy the magazine no matter what is on the cover. It is just one article and I don't buy the magazine for one article. I wouldn't get my panties in a wad about the cover, if you don't like that style just ignore that one section of the magazine.



Jan 28, 2010
Chester County, PA
P&T is such a great mag that I went to the trouble of hunting down every copy after subscribing several years ago, even those elusive, strangely dated early editions. I don't quite 'get' steampunk, at least not yet, but there is the school of thought that holds any publicity, even bad publicity, is good publicity. Though I do wonder why one of JoeS's many interesting designs didn't grace the cover when he is kind of the centerpiece.




Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I've seen and held Nate Kings pipes at the last Richmond show. While I'll be hanging with DocW in the old fogey section of a show, I can appreciate the mechanical expertise of Nates creations.



Aug 14, 2011
I think it's a tobacco smoking pipe. Therefore it has every right to be where it is.
It looks beautiful and well crafted. Nuff said.
I'd smoke the bolts off of that pipe! :puffy:



May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Somebody needs to get a grip on themselves. The cover photo is not meant to be an endorsement of one carver over another but to catch one's eye. And Nate King's steam punk pipe definitely does that. Nate is a fine young artisan who does plenty of traditional shapes (he had a half-bent brandy at the Chicago show that I am still kicking myself about waiting just a little too long to buy).
Joe Skoda is one of the fine talents and gentleman in the hobby. There is no way P&T was intending any slight of him. We are really looking forward to Joe being at our show in KC this month. In fact he is going to attend our club meeting the night before the show. In 2011 his entry in the Carvers Contest was selected as one of the 7 winners. In 2012 his briar calabash was selected as Best Pipe of Show.
P&T Magazine is one of the bulwarks of our hobby. They need to be supported not vilified.

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