Oooooohhhh this is fun. I don't know that you can narrow it down to just ONE. You'd have to divide it into different categories depending on blend type, and you'll still get a million different answers. The "Rolex" of pipe tobaccos to a very large group of smokers is Esoterica - Penzance (or so it seems). The stuff is impossible to find and sells out immediately when it comes in stock at every online retailer. It's good stuff I have to admit but everyone's tastes are different. I probably would've turned my nose up at the smell of it when I first started smoking a pipe. But I've also found more available blends that are just as good in my mind (G.L. Pease - Quiet Nights).
To best recommend a tobacco to you I would ask; what are you looking for? Are you a cigarette/cigar smoker? Are you looking for a sweet smelling blend? Natural tobacco smelling blend?
As far as taste is concerned as a new pipe smoker you may be surprised what you experience with different blends. More often than not if you go out and buy "vanilla" this or "fruity" that, you're going to be disappointed with the way it tastes. So many blends really take time and experience to appreciate. If you light them up for the first time having never really smoked a pipe, they're likely going to turn into an awful experience for you that will burn your tongue and turn you off.
To the point though, for the new pipe smoker I would recommend Prince Albert. It's a good beginner tobacco that won't punish you too much for lack of technique. It smells nice to everyone around you, but it actually TASTES GOOD too. Something that a lot of other aromatic blends fall short on.
The best blend EVER though? Hard to say. You'd really have to figure out what style you enjoy most (aromatic, English, Balkan, Virginia, Virginia/perique, Virginia/Burley, Burley, Oriental) before you can start narrowing them down to THE BEST of each. You can't compare aromatics to English for example, they're totally different tastes and experiences.