When I first picked up a pipe in '92/'93 I only had 1 cob and smoked the hell out of it with RYO tobaccos for about a year--it was fine
When I seriously got into pipe smoking about 15 years ago, I had 2 briars and a rarely smoked meer. I smoked those briars 3-4 times a day - rested for a day while I smoked the other - then rinse and repeat. One of them did start smoking sour after a few months of this treatment, but all after following an old pipe shop guy's advice and scraping, cleaning with alcohol and resting it for a week---it was back in business smoking as sweet as ever. I take much better care of my pipes now, with a much larger rotation, but I also try to remember that during the times I'm less fussy, the pipe will be fine
My experience only, but I think sometimes we make life to difficult on ourselves - the pipe will be fine