Ordering a pipe from Pipes and Cigars, safe?

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Apr 1, 2013
SmokingPipes.com photographs every pipe as part of what differentiates them from the really big guys. This means every pipe is removed from its packaging, looked at, and wiped off for the photo. If it had a noticeable defect, for example, the photographer would/should catch it.
The reality is that it is extremely rare for a large internet retailer to have a QC person, let alone an entire department. Folks, that is just expecting too much from any high volume retailer. Someone along the shipping chain might be responsible for verifying that the right item was pulled from stock and in the right box, but that person cannot verify the drilling, for example.
The other reality is that P&C has excellent customer service. If something is not right, a polite phone call to them will in most cases solve the problem.
Hope this opinion helps.



May 6, 2015
I would not recommend doing business with them, I ordered three rusticated pipes, sight unseen two weeks ago, received them, two had defects in the finish, was told P&C would pay for return shipping on defective Pipes but having bad finish wasn't a defect in their mind.
I paid for shipping to send two of the three defective pipes back to P&C last week, I ordered a Smooth Pipe with the exchange, paid for the Smooth Pipe, received the order last week with the two rusticated & one Smooth pipe, the rusticated pipes had the same defects as I had before. I called P&C, they said to return the pipe, I again paid to send another rusticated pipe back.
I called P&C today to notify them of my decision to go with Smooth Pipes, before I could give my order for two more Smooth pipes along with the exchange for a smooth, three total, the irate, insulting sales person began telling me he did not believe I was genuine, I was disingenuous, doubted my sincerity & integrity, not a problem I said there were many other companies I can purchase from.
By far the worse mail order company I've ever dealt with, they give you no actual photo's of the items you're getting, sight unseen until you receive them in the mail then insult you for not giving what they advertised.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I think overdrawn's experience is the exception. Although I have never ordered a low end pipe from them. I'd chose a reliable brand name and I believe you will be



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 11, 2013
I think your post is extremely rude to the poster. He is doing nothing more than relaying an experience with an e-tailer. Whether it is a good experience or a bad one is totally irrelevant. The man is entitled to his opinion and it was stated in an eloquent, not a crude way. The fact that one is a sponsor does not shield them from a customer's honest opinion or experience, good or bad.
I totally took offense to your post.

And on a side note, I would never buy a pipe online sight unseen. I would expect any vendor to at least take the time to photograph and give measurements of the specific pipe that's being advertised for sale. Just out of respect for the buyer.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I would not recommend doing business with them, I ordered three rusticated pipes, sight unseen two weeks ago, received them, two had defects in the finish, was told P&C would pay for return shipping on defective Pipes but having bad finish wasn't a defect in their mind.
How come you ordered sight unseen? Were there no pictures?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 11, 2013
The vendor in question uses stock photos, but I was not specifically slamming them. I was speaking of the online selling of pipes in general. I just don't understand how a retailer does not have enough respect for the buyer, to take the time and display a photo of the actual item being sold, not use stock photos.
Just my opinion. It's the way I would want to be treated.


May 31, 2012
I never had any problems whatsoever until after the move from their original location,

and then it mostly concerned sloppy parcel packaging.
I've ordered 3 Gamboni pipes from them, the first one came in an oversized box, poorly packed, and lazily taped --- at the time of my PAD post of said pipe, I politely restrained from sharing the box pix or any complaint, and instead wrote a note to Russ with the pictures and letting him know in what condition the package had arrived.
I reckon I'll go ahead and share 'em now, just because in a way, such slackness really is inexcusable, especially for a fairly high-priced artisan pipe, yes, the box was partially open on top with a slot easily large enough for a hand to fit through - I couldn't believe it! 8O

In fact, I didn't even have to open the box, I just slipped my hand in and pulled the pipe out!





I then ordered 2 more pipes by the same maker from P&C,

the boxes weren't much better I'm afraid to say,

even after it had been said that the issues would be addressed.
Other than that,

P&C is great.




Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Rich, I'm sorry that my post offended you. It was an expression of my opinion.

This fellow's first post on this site is a slam that obviously derives from inexperience and he felt the NEED to denigrate Pipes & Cigars.

Eloquent? I think not.



May 6, 2015
I thought the question was whether it was safe to buy from P&C.
They happened to be Nording Classic Rustic Pipes, are they low end, maybe, anything less than $100 could be, you decide, another thread.
I was told from P&C the pictures were NOT the actual pipes, if I didn't like the Pipes to return them & I had to pay shipping, if the Pipes were defective P&C would pay. Evidently P&C doesn't think defective finish is a defect, just food for thought.
When P&C starts showing actual photo's of the pipe you are buying then they might be safe. Until then it's hit or miss.



Mar 22, 2014
I have only ever experienced excellent products, shipping, and customer service from Pipes & Cigars, and I have purchased from them many dozens of times. 4noggins and Smokingpipes deliver the same excellent service.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I really believe that the responses you get from people are begun with yourself (otherwise, they wouldn't be responses). The line from a Beatle's song has always rung true in my ear. "The love you take is equal to the love you make."
As for honest recollections of difficulties with vendors, I have no quarrel whatsoever.

Everything has context.

the irate, insulting sales person began telling me he did not believe I was genuine, I was disingenuous, doubted my sincerity & integrity,
Am I to believe that a company who's services I've enjoyed w/o any problems over several transactions would treat a customer like that?

It would cause me to rethink my business dealings for sure if I did.
overdrawn, I find your second post much less inflammatory, if NOT eloquent.



Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2015
I understand the need for individual pictures for artisan or high end pipes. But my hang up is individual pictures merits an individual price, i.e. they could have 2 of the same brand/style pipes and could charge a higher price for one because the grain pattern looks a little more desirable. Why would they do that, because they have the second one which has a less desirable pattern and still need to sell it. I am okay with the stock photos to keep a level playing field on price.
My only call out would be to watch the weekly sales and be in the know for what the prices were prior to the sale. There are really good deals to be had, but some of those are more calling attention to that item in that particular week vs. it being discounted from its usual price.



Feb 15, 2015
The boxes I get from P & C closely resemble photos from MLC's post, but everything has arrived intact. Note to self, "Try 4noggins."



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Perhaps there is a problem in the shipping department, or not enough consideration by management. Shipping costs have not been exorbitant, excessive, or THAT much of a motivation to buy more stuff to get free shipping.

Maybe if P&C raises shipping costs and gets it's packaging to withstand nuclear bombs, they'll sell more?

Happy now?



Jun 10, 2015
Good Afternoon Gents!
Since this is my first post, allow me to introduce myself. As my username suggests, my name is Trish and I'm the manager of Pipes and Cigars. The supervisor of our little call center alerted me to this thread and felt that some clarification might be needed.
First off, most of our 'lower end' pipes are indeed 'stock' photos if you consider photos taken by a person from our Design Department 'stock'. These are typically pipes that have multiples, as in 4 or more of the same style. When we have pipes that are unique, even if they don't reach a certain price-point, we do take a photo; often we take multiple pictures from different angles. Any photo you find on our website was taken by someone from within our organization. So in many cases, you will receive what you see on the site.
With regard to packaging, those photos look like they took a beating in transit, that's for sure! But it really depends upon how the interior of the box arrived. If the pipe/tobacco is damaged, that is very possibly our failure and we will make it right. That's just what we do. Could the box have been taped better? Definitely! And if the plastic bubble inside the box is deflated, then it did its job and protected the contents in transit.
Finally, I want to make a few comments about overdrawn's post. There were multiple returns set up and accommodations made to satisfy him. We even had our in-house pipe specialists (read pipe designer and creator) polish his pipe. He brought it to the folks in the contact center to show us the finished work and then we sent it back to him. He was still unsatisfied. I'm not sure what more we could have done but I sincerely apologize that his expectations weren't met.
But one point I want to make is that the last person he spoke with was neither rude nor insulting. He did tell overdrawn that his expectations might be too high for a pipe of this price point. If that was insulting, then I must apologize again but since I overheard the conversation, I will stand by my supervisor in this instance.
In short (and this post is definitely NOT that), PipesandCigars.com stands by the products it sells. We DO have a QC team (even though we're part of the largest tobacco company in the world) that inspects nearly 100% of the hundreds of pipes we sell each year. Could a few unacceptable ones slip through the cracks? Of course. But this is why we have a pretty liberal return policy for unsmoked pipes and unopened tobacco.
This is a great company to do business with. But don't take my word for it!! :)



Feb 13, 2015
Usually it is the negative news that spreads quickly, but I have to say I think I've seen more positive shout-outs for a member's good experiences with P&C on this forum than complaints about them. As I stated earlier in the thread, I've had no problems with their products. However, I forgot to mention that once, when I called them to tell them an invoiced item didn't show up in my box, they promptly apologized for the inconvenience, verified my mailing adress, and expedited shipping of the item. They did not question the issue at all. Just one guy's experience. I am glad Trish logged on to be part of the discussion, though. That itself reinforces their concern about happy customers, IMHO.



May 15, 2014
Trishd, thank you for participating. It's nice to have companies be open to interaction with their customers. While I fully understand the issue with lower price point pipes perhaps being tough for choosy customers, I would like to point out that many of us share the packing issue. I am a happy P&C customer but I have received three or four boxes that were severely under packed without adequate packing materials. Often these contain tins of blends that are hard to purchase, to say the least. While this has yest to lead to tins or product that was damaged enough to return it has lead to beat up tins. In general the idea of pipes or tins bouncing around while in transit tends to make folks nervous. Thank you again for joining in and keep up the good work.

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