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Jun 3, 2015
Smoke a pipe with him. Load a pipe with the strongest stuff you got. If he hates it then that's a good thing. If he loves it it's a good thing, too. We here time enjoy life not hide away in fear. Sending him to college is way more of a risk to his life, principles, etc...than smoking a pipe.
I wouldn't support his habit though.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 17, 2018
Sending him to college is way more of a risk to his life, principles, etc...than smoking a pipe.
And I may add a risk to the bank account.
I was a lost kid. My mom bought me cigarettes for a while my senior year because I quit drinking alcohol, which was a problem. I felt bad watching my mom buy me cartons, with hopes that I wouldn't go back. She did it because a councilor advised her that it would keep the stress levels low. Now I wish I never touched a cigarette, but nothing was going to stop me. It is my guess though that if he mentioned that he was interested, then he would respect a lot of what you have to say, even though you smoke. I just couldn't bring myself personally to encourage smoking to a youngster, even at 18. Audie Murphy was flat broke from drinking, more than likely trying to chase away the nightmares of his service in WW2. During that time he refused to have any part in advertising for alcohol and smoking because he did not want to encourage kids to do it.



Feb 21, 2013
Your example is much more influential than your suggestions or opinions on the subject. In discussion, I'd be honest with him both about the enjoyment you get from pipes and the doubts you may have about health issues and any others. If it were my kid, I'd also try to assess his/her personality to see what to suggest. Some people have a natural moderating personality so they might enjoy some pipe smoking but not do it nonstop forever. If this is your kid, you could gently remind him of that, in a nonjudgemental way, though parents are always heard as being paternal. But what you do yourself is the most influential factor.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2011
I am hopeful my son will pick up the pipe smoking hobby. We already share a cigar together once in a while and I would and welcome the time shared together while smoking a pipe. He is 19 and has more self control than I have so I have no worries about him. Besides, who else am I going to leave my precious cellar to, surly not to a non pipe smoker lol



Nov 13, 2012
My son will be 18 this year. I'd like to get him a birth year dunhill but unless I see an estate at an amazing price I won't bother. I may give him a Savinelli for his 18th birthday instead and it doesn't matter if he decides to smoke it or not. I've had a few cigars and pipes with him and he's not really interested.



Jul 21, 2015
All the kids in my family are getting assault rifles this year. I might throw in a cob and some Prince Albert for kicks.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 17, 2018



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2017
Kentucky Hills and Hollers
Fitzy, I have to believe that there will be a bit of interest in millennium dated pipes. Particularly with those of us with 18 year olds this year. Best of luck on finding one well suited for him though.
Deathmetal, as far as assault rifles go. I might suggest a Sharps rifle, but I am sort of an old school type.
Shanegreen, I absolutely love the picture.
And thanks to all for the many insights. I foresee an interesting discussion with my son in the near future!



Jun 3, 2015
DM, Fuck an Assault Rifle (Single Shot Carbine) I want a machine gun, bazooka, and a lifetime supply of OJK, Bayou Night, and Dreams of Kadath. Time someone stand up for the republic. Guns and Tobacco, What's more American than that?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2017
This is kind of a pointless thread. Why are men so whiny and indecisive these days? Do what you want, Mahew. If you enjoy pipe smoking and want to encourage your ADULT son, then just do it. There are much more dangerous or expensive things than pipe smoking.
And don't listen to Warren. He's a hypocrite looking for attention. Always saying how pipe smoking is unhealthy, selfish, and a waste of money... yet he won't quit.
All the kids in my family are getting assault rifles this year. I might throw in a cob and some Prince Albert for kicks.
Now that's a good father. I like the way you think. :clap:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Hypocrite? Hardly! I thoroughly enjoy my pipes while accepting that the choice is economically unsound, unhealthy, selfish and thoroughly enjoyable. I sincerely hope you do also. But, you'd be hard pressed to say smoking is healthy. I willingly acknowledge sitting, drawing on my pipe, exhaling and watching my moneys waft to the ceiling as smoke and acknowledging how idiotic that is with respect to money handling. But, it's no different than buying and shooting off fireworks, having an extra piece of cake, or sneaking in a bit of salt when the doctor told you to throw away the salt shaker. There is immediate gratification in the smoke or the bang of a firecracker or a nice salted piece of fried chicken.
You just can't argue with my position. I'm still rasslin' with the hypocrite tag. Can't quite figure that out. I readily admit that I waste moneys on smoking. I, as many here, understand that letting carcinogens absorb into the body is not a healthy thing in any way, shape or form. I defy you to prove otherwise.
As smoking only benefits the smoker, self-gratification, how is it not a selfish choice. As I've written many times, a bit of selfish behavior is good for the soul. Perhaps "quint", you'd prefer the word "self-indulgence", or some other term for your self-indulgence.
A slow read of the definition of hypocrite will assist you. There is nothing sanctimonious in my writing, I do not exempt myself from critical analysis of my behavior. I readily admit that I am burning money. And, most importantly, I understand the damage I may be doing to my health and yet, selfishly and stupidly, I continue to do so. It's my wee vice (see definition before jerking knee) and ... I enjoy it.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Sit down and do your best to objectively list the pros and cons of your potential choices. I have smoked my entire adult life. I really, really enjoy pipe smoking. Objectively, especially considering the way the world views smoking now, I find few positives for an 18 to start smoking a pipe. I hate to say that but it’s unfortunately true.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The age to smoke is 19 in Alabama, and I used to have a serious cringe factor when these young guys would come to our pipe club meetings. But, now I realize that they just enjoy hanging out with us for some weird reason. So, I look forward to seeing them show up, all excited about this or that blend or this or that new pipe. I even brought one of my oldest daughter's friends to the Briary's Pipe Show a few weekends ago. She had a blast.
But, when my girls were younger and I would catch them smoking, I mostly got onto them for having watched me fight cigarettes for their entire lives, quitting, restaring, them giving me grief... till picking up pipe smoking and never looking back at cigarettes. So, when round 16 or so, I would catch them smoking, I mostly got onto them for doing it in front of me. Now, that my oldest is 20, I don't mind her smoking, but I do remind her that I would be more than willing to buy her any pipe of her choice and letting her pick out anything she wanted from my cellar. And as said, her friend is all excited about pipes. My youngest and my foster daughter are all health minded, exercising and making healthy choices. I would be shocked if either of them were to pick up smoking.
So, I guess it depends on the situation.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2017
Introducing your son to pipe smoking sounds like a great idea...1st rule: Everybody buys there own tobacco !!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2017
Kentucky Hills and Hollers
I am ok with buying him a nice pipe. He seems to appreciate the beauty of finely worked wood for its own merit. I have shared with my son(s) an appreciation for a fine whiskey and a dram or two to go with it. They are on their own for bottles though. Except maybe as a Christmas gift or something.
Any hookers are going to be for my significant other and I to play with (can’t knock a guy for trying), so he is on his own there.
I have to admit that I like the 1st rule, “Everybody buys their own tobacco!”
And as it turns out we went to the range and did some shooting yesterday.
Wrestling with our conscience now and again isn’t necessarily a sign of indecisiveness. It is often a good thing to gather as much input as possible and to think things through.
Interestingly in our discussions, my son has expressed his concern about smoking a pipe leading to smoking cigarettes. Of which he currently is very opposed to doing. Thankfully all of our 4 kids seem to have a deep opposition to cigarettes. I am not sure I had ever considered pipe tobacco as a “gateway drug” so to speak.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2011
I think that pipe smoking leading to cigarettes is very unlikely. I have smoked cigs and the rush of nic from a drag is way more than anything I have ever gotten from a pipe. I don't smoke a pipe for nicotine and I don't inhale. If someone inhales a pipe maybe there could be an argument about leading to cigs but there is so much of a difference between the two.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2017
Kentucky Hills and Hollers
Threesome? The hooker had something to do with fishing right???
My son has requested that we make an afternoon trip to Paul’s Pipe Shop on Saturday. Hard to say no to that! I foresee a new pipe in my near future!

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