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Might Stick Around
Mar 29, 2022
Fort Walton Beach, FL
True. Unless you're a freak like me and love the damp and dark weather.
I thought I was the only one...... the only thing better than a cold rainy day is a cold snowy day...... alas I'm trapped in hell the south. I have lived in the SE USA most of my life, but 5 years in montana and 3 in Germany spoiled me to cold weather....... I do love the southern hospitality though.
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Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Such is life. I've lived in Alaska twice and love it up there. The cold winters, hours of daylight and dark etc. don't bother me. But I've left for good. Why? Because of two things that drive me crazy and ruin it for me. Little bastards called mosquitoes and noseeums. puffy
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 17, 2021
Meriden, CT
I couldn't wait, and in all honesty I never treat myself anyway. I literally never buy anything, which has resulted in me having this little bundle of savings from over the years I've never dipped into.

I bought a new pair of boots this week, and have just ordered a simple cob pipe, some cleaning equipment and a tamper. I got a Stokkebye blend and two Chieftain blends. I have to say I'm pretty excited!

View attachment 149358
What sort of boots? I wear them for a living, so my curiosity is humming right now lol.


Nov 14, 2020
What sort of boots? I wear them for a living, so my curiosity is humming right now lol.

I couldn’t resist, the butt kicking kinda boots! LOL ?


P.S. 20 years old, is this guy legally allowed to smoke? Someone better check his ID! LOL j/k and welcome to the forum! :)
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Aug 24, 2019
And so it begins. PAD and TAD will chip away at your savings at an alarming rate.
No no no. Purchasing tobacco for ones future enjoyment is a sensible investment.
No such thing as 'too much' tobacco.
One never knows what tomorrow may bring. [And without getting into it, things aint looking too bright for the planet]

Don't listen to the pessimists @Kan , you stock up on as much baccy as your income allows.
MM cobs are fine smokers. Enjoy. puffy