Ontario Pipe Smokers - BILL 176 Attacks Pipe Tobacco

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May 17, 2012
Our rights in Ontario have been whittled away for many years now, and there's no end in sight unless people stand against it. Make sure your voice is heard now, and when you vote, and for gosh sakes if you have the means stock up now. There's a reason our American brothers and sisters are loading up on TAD, they see what has happened to us up here.
It`s very rare that a government will give you back a right once they take it. First they went after the shopping malls, then the restaurants and bars, then they "hid" tobacco in corner stores, now they want to go after condos and apartments. Your home is next. They've already started the process of regulating smoking in your own car "for the sake of the children" (really...common sense, not laws, should dictate that you don't hot-box your kids when you drive). Don't forget, this is a province that also controls the gambling and the liquor. It's a heck of a racket to be in, eh? Send them a message, and kick the bums out...
Dang, two rants in less than a week. Time for a pipe! 8)



Dec 21, 2012
Dang, two rants in less than a week. Time for a pipe! [8)]
Pipe and substantial amount of Tobacco while your at it lol
ill do what i can to get my voice heard but im also going to stock up as much as i can its a shame cause im still trying to learn what i like in a blend and it just got that much more difficult. atleast ill try yo make a tad once a week. or twice a month.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
Ghost pretty much nailed it there. I'm tired of them chipping away at our rights and freedoms. This forum is no place to discuss it but its nice ti make people aware of it.



Aug 20, 2013
Canadian tobacco laws among the most restrictive. Glad I live in the US as the our laws aren't as restrictive, yet;).



Feb 6, 2013
Canadian tobacco laws among the most restrictive. Glad I live in the US as the our laws aren't as restrictive, yet;).
Actually, I think we have it pretty good in Canada compared to other countries. Brian Levine reports on the PM Radio Show that, in Europe, bulk tobacco purchases are mostly verboten. And we know first hand from forum members here that in New Zealand and Australia one needs to mortgage their house to bring in an online TAD order.
I lived in the US for half my life, and Canada for the other half, and would happily live in either. There are wonderful places to live in both countries. Here, in Ontario, we may pay higher gas, alcohol and tobacco taxes than some US states; but since moving back to Ontario (from Colorado) in '96 I haven't once had to pull out a credit card or cheque book at a doctor's office, or hospital.
Places are different, that's all, it sure is nice to have the ability to choose where one lives.
-- Pat



Jun 1, 2013
A lot of these anti smoking arguments, in Canada at least, claim that it is an issue because of the costs to health care. If that is truely the problem, I will gladly sign a waiver stating that I am on the hook for the cost of tobacco related sickness's. That means the cost to health care has been eliminated. As for the "children," I guess looking up to Milie Syrius is better than looking up to a smoker as a role model!
You just can't fix stupid.



Dec 30, 2012
You just can't fix stupid
Nailed it! I plan on writing my local MPP (sadly once I figure out who the hell that is) and quoting the surgeon general's report about moderate pipe smokers living longer than non-smokers. I'll also quote the science behind nicotine and the many many health benefits of ingesting moderate amounts of nicotine. I live in a semi-detached home so I would be affected by the multi-unit dwelling proposals, but they can come pry the pipe from my hand if they so dare. I think it's time to be vocal. Polite and gentlemanly, as befits a true pipeman, but vocal for sure.



Oct 7, 2013
This just is an update on this situation:

Reply from MP Mike Wallace,
"As you have indicated, the Bill was before the Ontario Legislature at Queen’s Park and not the Federal Parliament in Ottawa. As well, this Bill died on the Order Paper when the Ontario Legislature was prorogued last year.
Mike Wallace"
It looks like we have a break in the war for now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 7, 2013
New articles abound



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2012
I am still shaking my head. It drives me crazy how stupid the average person is that reads the paper. We have had laws to prevent sales to minors under 21 years old on all tobacco products for years now. So how exactly does not selling flavoured tobaccos to people under 18 accomplish anything. They all ready have the law. Another example of how politicians try to seem busy when actually they are accomplishing nothing at all. A few years ago during our gun registry they pulled the same crap. Some idiot politician decided all hand guns should be registered... the only problem is ALL handguns have had to be registered since 1955.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 7, 2013
...and the reason why the restricted the AR-15 variant rifle is because the shooter in the polytechnique incident used a mini-14.
I know, it makes no sense.



Jun 1, 2013
They are looking to pass a bill in Alberta along the same lines. I went to my tobacconist to talk about it, and they pretty much just laughed it off. It is not going to target the luxury tobacco market, per say, or at least not B&M's. It should only affect the gas station sales of such products, not tobacconist's, as you have to be of age to enter the shop, period.
I think the article clearly missed the point as I think they are banning sales of flavoured tobaccos in places where minors have access, again, gas stations.

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