14-year-old boy shoots man breaking into S. Phoenix home...and protects and saves his 3 younger siblings.
Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/south_phoenix/pd-14-year-old-boy-shoots-man-breaking-into-s-phoenix-home#ixzz1ym7JFHy9
Thats pretty good shooting down a stairway at a moving target in the heat of the moment. Probably he was just lucky, but I have the feeling it wasnt Charles Bronson that taught him what to do, but two good parents.
Next lesson; Double Tap.
Remember kids, its the same amount of paperwork to fire 1 shot as it is for 14 !
Remember kids, its the same amount of paperwork to fire 1 shot as it is for 14 ! :clap:
I always tell my wife, " If I'm home I'll take care of it; if I'm not you don't stop shooting until they stop moving"
I take my Daughter to the Gun Club every weekend. She loves being with Dad and shooting my guns. She does 2" groups at 30 yards. With hand guns. Not to shabby.
Always be prepared for what could happen. Then when it does happen, it's all automatic. Repeat repeat repeat. Practice practice practice. There are to many screw balls walking the streets to NOT be prepared.
Great job protecting your brothers and sisters little man. You just became a man.