Well there is a possible down side. In Virginia, any online tobacco purchases that are sent out of State are documented. Who and where it is shipped, the amount that is shipped, etc. and reported to the Commonwealth on an annual basis. From there, I'm not sure what the State does with it, they may just keep it on record for now, but I can see the time when all of this will be reported to the other States. (I'm not sure if other States do the same thing, Virginia may have one of the lowest tobacco taxes in the Union, but they also are very strict on enforcing the rules and regs)
I'm not sure of an exact timeframe on when the online retailers will be forced to charge taxes on behalf of the States that they ship to. But knowing our Government, it will probably be passed in the late hours when they feel they will catch the least resistance.
I'm not sure of an exact timeframe on when the online retailers will be forced to charge taxes on behalf of the States that they ship to. But knowing our Government, it will probably be passed in the late hours when they feel they will catch the least resistance.