Having a "rotation" seems too disciplined for me as a means of regulating my pipe smoking. Rather, I have go to blends, and then a bunch of open tins that I might dip into at whim. Out of that stable of open tins, what I like and what I don't become obvious to me without overthinking my pipe smoking. It's my personal world ruled by whim and circumstance. Some tins get emptied while others languish.
My go to blends are Pegasus and D&R Two Timer (sweetened with a bit of Stoved Virgina or DFK) - both still in the same pound bag they came in because, why bother?
Current open "tins" that I favor this week are Toscano Maestro Puccini, one or both of the GH Bogies, GLP Horizons. and Peretti's Royal. GLP Quiet Nights is a sort of "sub-go-to" blend - it's always around. What "open tins" I favor this week will likely change in a month.