Let it be chiseled deeply into the hallowed marble stones of pipe smoking history that on this day, January 20th in the year of our lord 2017 that I, Stephen Wilson of Atlanta GA, have finally, after 20 years of pipe smoking, have experienced the utter joy of smoking a bowl of tobacco all the way to ash and nothing but ash utilizing just a single charing light and a single true light! (Insert trumpet fanfare here)
Location: Lounging with my pipe sitting on my living room floor with a comfy pillow to ease my back against my couch.
Pipe: Stefano Santambrogio poker (chamber approx. 7/8" × 1.5")
Tobacco: Full Virginia Flake (air dried 6 hrs as a whole flake then rubbed out)
Lightning method: matches
Packing method: traditional 3 pinch method.
Total smoking time (approx): 1 hr 23 mins
Wow. Just wow.
I got a smile a mile wide
Location: Lounging with my pipe sitting on my living room floor with a comfy pillow to ease my back against my couch.
Pipe: Stefano Santambrogio poker (chamber approx. 7/8" × 1.5")
Tobacco: Full Virginia Flake (air dried 6 hrs as a whole flake then rubbed out)
Lightning method: matches
Packing method: traditional 3 pinch method.
Total smoking time (approx): 1 hr 23 mins
Wow. Just wow.
I got a smile a mile wide