Another grand pipe indeed
buckeye Part of the Furniture Now Nov 16, 2010 925 8 Mar 10, 2011 #22 that pipe is going to Michigan. thanks
brian64 Lifer Jan 31, 2011 10,320 17,086 Mar 10, 2011 #24 Beautiful pipe buckeye! Very impressive workmanship...especially in 1 hour! :clap:
ichbinmuede Part of the Furniture Now Feb 17, 2011 643 2 Mar 10, 2011 #25 Dang that'd be great work in 5 hours that it happened in only one is amazing. You're definitely a craftsman through and through Dave.
Dang that'd be great work in 5 hours that it happened in only one is amazing. You're definitely a craftsman through and through Dave.
julesholling Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 19, 2011 268 1 Sutton, Surrey Mar 11, 2011 #28 Wow great looking pipe. TI'm amazed that you did all of that in an hour. If i tried to make a pipe it'd bring a whole new dimension to the word 'Freehand' :lol:
Wow great looking pipe. TI'm amazed that you did all of that in an hour. If i tried to make a pipe it'd bring a whole new dimension to the word 'Freehand' :lol:
buckeye Part of the Furniture Now Nov 16, 2010 925 8 Mar 11, 2011 #30 i am going to make a pipe for bowhatchie this weekend and will try and video how i do it. it took a little trial and eror. all i use is a disk sander and a dremmel tool. its dusty but it works.
i am going to make a pipe for bowhatchie this weekend and will try and video how i do it. it took a little trial and eror. all i use is a disk sander and a dremmel tool. its dusty but it works.