I think they should have kept the name... unless they are relying on sales in New Zealand. I bet the vast majority of their sales are to people who have no idea even what culture the word comes from. I mean, I would have just assumed that "huruhuru" was just a made up word.
I get so tired of people throwing the term "appropriation" around without considering whether it is positive or negative in its appropriation. Sure, sure, most of the appropriated stuff being bantered in the news is bad. But, rock and roll, fashion, art, foods, jewelry designs... there are a growing number of Native American jewelers who are suing white designers and artists for even using silver and turquoise in their designs, even if the designs are not even close to Native historical designs. And, 90% of the Native designs were stolen from the Spanish European designers to begin with, as Native American never even had knowledge of silversmithing before the Spanish. So, if I make a modern floral pendant using turquoise and silver, I get hundreds of emails from angry SJWs... :::sigh::: Ok, I've vented that... on to cracking open a can of pubic hair to kick back at the end of a hard working day.