A Couple of thoughts, if I may chime into this conversation:
1. Perhaps I am being a bit too pragmatic, but shouldn't a tobacco review tell me something about the taste, texture, quality, etc. of the tobacco? Based on the “review” I have no information as to whether or not 1792 is a tobacco worth trying. Was the reviewer implying that smoking 1792 transforms one into a complete cad, or simply using the tobacco review as a platform for the tasteless rant by a very disturbed individual. Having watched the video posted by Pipe Novelist, concerning a similar rant by this individual with respect to another tobacco, I believe the latter to be true. The fact I find most amazing is that he has a wife and kids. He really does need professional help, and/or his medications adjusted.
2. Some discussion in this forum has alluded to the possibility that the “review” was a poor attempt at sarcasm. The posting by Hauntedmyst focused on the “review” was a fine example of sarcasm, it made me laugh. In contrast, the original “review” appears to be more the twisted rambling of a “sick puppy” looking for negative attention. As such summarily ignoring anything further posted by that reviewer is perhaps the most prudent course of action.
3.The distorted view of history in which his deplorable mindset was status quo, with the founding fathers and others being kindred spirits, the total misinterpretation of Franklin’s writing, and the totally disturbed view of history, gives me cause to wonder if any attempt at educating this individual prevailed
4 “Other forums aren't friendly to pipe smokers with breasts” Cindi, and Aussielass, I am sorry to hear that there are still such chauvinist sexist Neanderthals who believe pipe smoking to be the sole providence of men, and who are likely threatened by anyone that might upset their world view. As far as I can see pipe smoking requires hands to manipulate the tobacco and pipe, lips and breathe to smoke the pipe. (Both men and women possess these). I prefer to think of such Neanderthals as simply idiots, who in an ideal world would be rounded up and shot!