Generally speaking, olive oil is not very resistant to heat like other oils. Greeks never fry with olive oil, it gives a heavy taste and ruins the taste of the oil. Extra virgin, unfiltered will have cloudiness and maybe a residue, these are larger fats and waxes which literally turn to plastic with heat and taste very bad. This doesn’t mean they are bad to consume, in fact some Italians I know consider perfectly transparent oil a bad sign of over processing.
@cosmicfolklore I hear ya. I recall you’d written that French wines and Cuban cigars taste “like foot”, I guess you mean the earthiness? Dunno cigars or wines, but get the essence of what you said, that not everyone needs to like everything, no matter how highly regarded. We went to Paris for Christmas and after 3-4 days I had enough of French bakeries - the croissants etc do taste amazing, you can really taste the butter in them in a way I never tasted before - but before long I had enough of French food. I needed something FRESH and simpler. I like how the French use and showcase ingredients but felt they a) overdo it, b) complicate it. Maybe it’s because I’m Greek but I prefer the Mediterranean way of cooking, keeping it simpler and fresher. Best food I EVER had (and this is high compliment from a discerning pig like me) was in Tuscany.