I think your observation that HOTW's Perique comes across with a subtle tang is spot-on,
From my notes...
HOTW is stronger than OG, and the Vas in it are of the sharp and grassy variety -- though not over the top in piquancy. The Perique, as it is used in this blend, does not produce very much of a musty, plummy, dark fruit flavor. Rather, it works beneath the Va. with pungency. I frequently think I can detect a flavor element also found in Worcestershire sauce and balsamic vinegar, though the overall Va. sweetness keeps these flavors in check.
I would call OG "medium" in strength with a dark nutty flavor that reminds me of toasted almonds -- perhaps from the Kentucky leaf. And if you focus on the taste(s), I think you'll get a nice hint of caraway seed flavor.
Although this blend contains Perique, and you'll probably be able to detect its dark, brut, fruity character lurking beneath the Va., it isn't prominent enough to classify Old Gowrie as a Vaper. I think it's in there merely to mitigate whatever sharpness the Va.'s may have. By mid-bowl I often find my palate chasing, but never quite capturing, a complementary bitter element -- mostly in the finish.
Mainly, OG is a dark, kind of nutty red Va. flake. Very smooth, very soothing, very true to the leaf. It delivers nice tastes, but there's nothing exotic or complex. Give it high marks for quality, flavor, and satisfaction; and low marks for pizzazz.
I like HOTW better than OG, but I usually have a jar of each in progress in my "deep" rotation.