Where I live in Amish country, almost all Amish males over 15 smoke a pipe.....and women over 60.......
I have no idea why women between 15 and 60 don't smoke.

Anyways, most of them have one or two corn cob pipes that they smoke all day. Most of them smoke the very cheap($10 per pound) "pipe tobacco" sold on the local reservation. Its not ACTUALLY pipe tobacco, its cigarette tobacco labeled as pipe tobacco to get around the NYS tobacco laws.
I do veterinary work and hoof work for many of them.
When they are here, we sometimes talk about pipes, and I share my pipe tobacco. They LOVE many of the blends I give them, even Latakia blends.
But they almost always say they could not smoke that all day. Even Virginia blends that are tame to us, they say are "treat" tobaccos.
They do not smoke tobacco for the flavor or for many of the reasons we do.
They don't care about fancy pipes, or tampers, or lighters...
They smoke for nicotine and the pipe is easier than rolling cigarettes.....their words not mine.
I believe a lot of codgers are the same way.
They like the nicotine and the pipe is a habit.
They have one or two pipes they like, and don't need no changing things!