Old Codger All Day Smoking with One Pipe

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Dec 22, 2013
New York
I sometime encounter the old 'Nicotine Smoothie' effect where the pipe gurgles with moisture build up. I have always assumed it is a by product of not letting the tobacco dry out sufficiently. A pipe cleaner seems to remedy the issue, I have often wondered how people who smoke with filters or traps deal with these issues.


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
My grandfather (actually, step-grandfather but he was the only grandfather I knew) was an auto transmission mechanic. He always took a small pipe to work with him to smoke on his breaks and would pick up a clean shop rag to wipe the bowl out after smoking it. I remember him usually have one of those rags with him when he smoked after he got home and at the end of the day would just throw it in with his dirty clothes.

Funny memory... I remember occasionally riding a city bus with him and he always sat by a window and smoked his pipe. No one on the bus every complained and plenty of people smoked cigarettes while riding the bus.

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
Carved smokes cooler than smooth. One of the reasons I like the Sea Rock finish so much is that the carved surface provides more surface area for cooling. Also, when holding it your fingers are not touching entire surface of the bowl, but just the "high points". Therefore, less heat. As a bonus, they cost less than smooths and don't need to be polished all the time. To me, smooth pipes just look worn and older in time, whereas carved pipes just get more character. You don't have to buy a Castello to get the carved finish, other makers offer it. Personally, I think the Jobey Stromboli line has a great finish and for a modest priced pipe they smoke exceptionally well. puffy




Jan 7, 2020
I just rec'd a pair of these on my last order and they work well. But so does a twisted napkin, paper towel or similar. But they do scrub just a wee bit better...
Yeah I've had mine sitting in a drawer because I haven't needed a deep cleaning yet. But when I do, I'll be ready!
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I was curious who you think those are that don't care about quality??
a lot of pipe smokers I've met don't care about much more then getting a smoke. Flavor is a side effect. Variety is of no interest. Just saying a forum like this isn't for pipe smokers but a particular type of pipe smokers. Or another way to put it. If you join a wine forum you maybe shocked to find out many wine drinkers know red and white but not pinot or merlot.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2023
a lot of pipe smokers I've met don't care about much more then getting a smoke. Flavor is a side effect. Variety is of no interest. Just saying a forum like this isn't for pipe smokers but a particular type of pipe smokers. Or another way to put it. If you join a wine forum you maybe shocked to find out many wine drinkers know red and white but not pinot or merlot.
Point taken! I've met a few on both sides.😊


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I used to have to look in on an older gentleman everyday, and he was a the very definition of "codger." RIP
He had one pipe and a lifetime supply of Prince albert. And, his pipe was constantly going. He didn't like to talk about smoking, tobaccos, or pipes. But, I always thought that his tobacco must taste like crap, but I bet he didn't taste much of anything any more.
I've done it myself quite a few times, just bring one pipe and a tin with me when out and about. If smoked slow, no problems. I didn't notice the pipe getting hot, but I hardly ever touch my pipe while smoking. Just go about my day with it in clench. You don't really have to do anything, just keep it chocked in your teeth. The tobacco pretty much smokes itself. Mostly, I just forget about the pipe. I'm never drawing on it hard enough to tell whether there is any wetness. And, sometimes I may still have it clenched for a while before I realize that it has gone out and ready for a reload. Or, I start getting some ash in my mouth.

If you're a puffer, puffing hard enough to sense a gurgle, then maybe using the same pipe all day isn't for you.
But, on the other hand, you're not going to get the best flavors from a dirty pipe.


Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
IMO if your pipe is hot it's the result of smoking too fast, or to a lesser extent, your tobacco is not dry enough (the ember needs to be hotter to keep the tobacco lit).
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Dec 5, 2021
Where I live in Amish country, almost all Amish males over 15 smoke a pipe.....and women over 60.......
I have no idea why women between 15 and 60 don't smoke. :)
Anyways, most of them have one or two corn cob pipes that they smoke all day. Most of them smoke the very cheap($10 per pound) "pipe tobacco" sold on the local reservation. Its not ACTUALLY pipe tobacco, its cigarette tobacco labeled as pipe tobacco to get around the NYS tobacco laws.
I do veterinary work and hoof work for many of them.
When they are here, we sometimes talk about pipes, and I share my pipe tobacco. They LOVE many of the blends I give them, even Latakia blends.
But they almost always say they could not smoke that all day. Even Virginia blends that are tame to us, they say are "treat" tobaccos.
They do not smoke tobacco for the flavor or for many of the reasons we do.
They don't care about fancy pipes, or tampers, or lighters...
They smoke for nicotine and the pipe is easier than rolling cigarettes.....their words not mine.
I believe a lot of codgers are the same way.
They like the nicotine and the pipe is a habit.
They have one or two pipes they like, and don't need no changing things! :)
More tales of the Amish pipe smokers! We know they will not be on the English internet to share their experiences!! 😃
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Aug 26, 2024
I work in programming job fifty years ago and while we had smokers, I was the only one packing a pipe. I lit it maybe twice a day (morning and afternoon}. No problem with heat.

Your old pipe, was it briar? I hear and correct me if I’m wrong that corncob pipes are great at dissipating heat better than briar and they cool down faster.


Can't Leave
Jun 21, 2024
South Bend, Indiana
For back-to-back-to-back-to-back smoking, you simply cannot beat a clay. Smoke, wipe it out, load it up, and go again. No problems with heat dissipation, as it’s already cooled before you reload. And ghosting isn’t a thing.

Once a week, throw it in the coals of the fireplace to burn out all the collected tar, and you’re good as new. Plus, if/when it breaks, you just buy a new one for ~$10 and you’re back in business, no break-in period needed.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2023
Where I live in Amish country, almost all Amish males over 15 smoke a pipe.....and women over 60.......
I have no idea why women between 15 and 60 don't smoke. :)
Anyways, most of them have one or two corn cob pipes that they smoke all day. Most of them smoke the very cheap($10 per pound) "pipe tobacco" sold on the local reservation. Its not ACTUALLY pipe tobacco, its cigarette tobacco labeled as pipe tobacco to get around the NYS tobacco laws.
I do veterinary work and hoof work for many of them.
When they are here, we sometimes talk about pipes, and I share my pipe tobacco. They LOVE many of the blends I give them, even Latakia blends.
But they almost always say they could not smoke that all day. Even Virginia blends that are tame to us, they say are "treat" tobaccos.
They do not smoke tobacco for the flavor or for many of the reasons we do.
They don't care about fancy pipes, or tampers, or lighters...
They smoke for nicotine and the pipe is easier than rolling cigarettes.....their words not mine.
I believe a lot of codgers are the same way.
They like the nicotine and the pipe is a habit.
They have one or two pipes they like, and don't need no changing things! :)
In your experience with the Amish culture, did you find any growing their own tobacco for smoking?
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2019
North Carolina
While trying to figure out my issue with my pipe getting hot, I realized one of my issues was that I wasn't letting the pipe dry out enough between smokes. One good reason to have multiple pipes. Realizing this greatly improved my issue with my pipe getting hot like it was. Realizing this started me thinking about stories I've heard about old coders, back in the day would smoke one pipe all day, bowl after bowl, and sometimes back-to-back. For some the pipe seldom left their mouth. If all this is true, how did they deal with their pipes being wet, and getting hot?
I have found that a bowl with a wet bottom just tastes awful. I guess guys that smoked a pipe that way just put up with the taste. I have found that smoking slow stops alot of the condensation. I smoke Lane 1Q, an aromatic. Many slam aromatics as goopy and wet. Thankfully, I rarely have that problem.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2023
Central NJ, USA
My father never had more than one pipe on hand at any given time. He smoked it on and off all day, 7 days a week. He smoked Granger which he bought in the large tins and reluctantly Half & Half if he couldn't get Granger. He cleaned it with pipe cleaners and that's about it. I remember him saying in his later years that the tobacco was not as good as it used to be.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
In your experience with the Amish culture, did you find any growing their own tobacco for smoking?
Nope, it's too cheap on the local reservation. They need their land and time for food and living.
Also, smoking is a vice and an extravagance many in their culture look down on. Growing tobacco would not go over good. :)
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