Well we survived Christmas Eve.... :crazy:
She's asked me how many are in the pool.
I said none.... Too damn cold. :nana:
Nothing yet.
Here's what we have so far on the:
Saturday 21st
Sunday 22nd
Mondday 23rd
Tuesday 24th, Christmas Eve
Wednesday 25th, Christmas
Thursday 26st
Friday 27th
Saturday 28th
Sunday 29th
Tuesday 31st, New Year's Eve
(My drivers license expires @ Midnight. I won't renew until January 2nd. No designated driving for me.) :nana:
She's asked me how many are in the pool.
I said none.... Too damn cold. :nana:
Nothing yet.
Here's what we have so far on the:
Sunday 22nd
mrjerke, ***7:37 PM
Mondday 23rd
petes03, ***5:31AM
peckinpahhombre, ***9:47AM
hammerhorror, ***11:45 am
Tuesday 24th, Christmas Eve
jservant98, ***12am
Moses ***4:54am
brian64 ***10:00am
yaddy306, ***1153hrs
piperl12 ***7:30pm
vigil, ***23:59
Wednesday 25th, Christmas
jservant98, ***12am
plateauguy, ***3am
rigmedic1 ***0530am
irish, ***1300hrs
7ach ***3pm
trailboss ***4:13 PM
kcghost ***5:55PM
dcrguns ***2000 hrs
Thursday 26st
tamer291, ***1:35a.m.
flmason ***3:05 AM
scrapyardape, ***4:15am
ssjones, ***7:15AM
winton, ***4:30 am
numbersix, ***9:30AM
mp31guitar, ***9:45am
Teddy, ***12:30pm
roadqueen ***1:30 pm
goldsm, ***5PM
Friday 27th
petes03 ***1:01AM
teufelhund ***0343 hrs
Chris ***9:37am
bentmike ***10:00AM
redbeard ***12pm
puffdoggie ***2PM
keith929 ***3:00pm
Cortez, ***10:47pm
Saturday 28th
cobguy, ***2pm
gnatjulio, ***3:01pm
jcsnaps, ***9am
scarborian ***23.05
Sunday 29th
cigrmaster ***7:01 AM
Grandaddy Lawrence, ***7:02AM
tbradsim1, ***My Wife's Birthday (Got a time Bradley?)[/center]
Tuesday 31st, New Year's Eve
(My drivers license expires @ Midnight. I won't renew until January 2nd. No designated driving for me.) :nana:
jgriff, ***3:30am