Ok. So Escudo or Peterson De Luxe Navy Rolls

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Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
I can't say there's a difference between the 2 in their current renditions. In the past there was a great difference. I suggest that both have gone through a variety of "alterations" through the various ownerships, due to crop variances, and leaf source variances.

Jesse may be correct about the current two being the same with only a different label. I have not tried the current Dunhill version.

In the past I did find Dunhill slightly sweeter and Escudo slightly spicier. Years ago, when I was running a blind tobacco tasting "thing", I sent out both, without labels. Bags labeled A, B, and C. Some had 3 the same. Some had 2 of 1, etc. Almost none of the people that "played" the game could tell which was which, BUT the ones that did get both blends did say they tasted a difference. All in ones mind? Who knows.

Personally I have enjoyed both, but prefer Escudo. I have smoked all variations going back to the days of Cope's.

I must disagree with Jesse on the Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake though. Similar only in appearance, except that Cavendish chore. It does not taste like either Dunhill or Escudo. Remove the Cavendish chore and it's closer, but not in the same ball park. IMHO. If you're after the Dunhill or Escudo Vaper result, then the Bullseye is not close. If you like a "hint" of Cavendish, then it's a fine blend. Just my 2 cents worth ......


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
There is (was) as post on here saying that they are made the exact same and labeled differently. Any of your old timers in the know remember that?
I sorta hate those rumors. What I hate the most is you can't completely write them off, since they're right sometimes. Though all the navy style coins I've tried are different but similar enough that in a blind taste test I'd say they're different but with a certain lack of confidence.
Another thought on those rumors at what point is a blend a different blend? A slight pinch more or less of one thing? A different cut? Same general ingredients in the same proportions but different source on the leaf?
Man smoking a pipe would be frustrating if it wasn't so darn enjoyable.
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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I must disagree with Jesse on the Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake though. Similar only in appearance, except that Cavendish chore. It does not taste like either Dunhill or Escudo. Remove the Cavendish chore and it's closer, but not in the same ball park. IMHO. If you're after the Dunhill or Escudo Vaper result, then the Bullseye is not close. If you like a "hint" of Cavendish, then it's a fine blend. Just my 2 cents worth ......
I didn't mean to convey the impression that PS-LBF tastes like Escudo or Navy Rolls, since it doesn't. I included it merely as an option worth considering to the other two. I find the STG version of Escudo decidedly dull in comparison to the earlier versions, and also found that aging it was a waste of time, there being no appreciable change. The Petersen version changed like a chameleon, a bit of white pepper when new, giving way to a wonderful fruitiness when aged.
PS-LBF is like smoking cardboard when fresh, but given a minimum of 4 years of aging it really transforms into something quite rich and enjoyable.
Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I can't say there's a difference between the 2 in their current renditions. In the past there was a great difference. I suggest that both have gone through a variety of "alterations" through the various ownerships, due to crop variances, and leaf source variances.

Jesse may be correct about the current two being the same with only a different label. I have not tried the current Dunhill version.

In the past I did find Dunhill slightly sweeter and Escudo slightly spicier. Years ago, when I was running a blind tobacco tasting "thing", I sent out both, without labels. Bags labeled A, B, and C. Some had 3 the same. Some had 2 of 1, etc. Almost none of the people that "played" the game could tell which was which, BUT the ones that did get both blends did say they tasted a difference. All in ones mind? Who knows.

Personally I have enjoyed both, but prefer Escudo. I have smoked all variations going back to the days of Cope's.

I must disagree with Jesse on the Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake though. Similar only in appearance, except that Cavendish chore. It does not taste like either Dunhill or Escudo. Remove the Cavendish chore and it's closer, but not in the same ball park. IMHO. If you're after the Dunhill or Escudo Vaper result, then the Bullseye is not close. If you like a "hint" of Cavendish, then it's a fine blend. Just my 2 cents worth ......

Thanks to BriarBlues, I was a participant in the blind challenge, and if I recall correctly, I got the identification of each wrong. I noticed a difference between the two though not significant as I received a sample of both. When trying to identify which blend was which I mixed them up. I like both blends and both are better with some age on them. I don't think you can go wrong with either blend, but I prefer Escudo slightly more.


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2009
West Texas
So after much research, it seems, they,DNR and Escudo are the same. I know, taste vary as do opinions, but from what I gathered, it's simply business. In conclusion, if either work for you great, however, I'll keep plugging along the va/per road, and trying to score more Cabbies Mixture when possible.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2024
I recommend that you buy some Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake, jar it for a minimum of 4 years, and enjoy. It's much better than the STG version of Escudo, which doesn't resemble in the least the original Cope's or the A & C Petersen versions of Escudo.
Two cheers for P. S. Luxury Bullseye. As a value buyer I basically just stick to bulk blends but there are so many fantastic bulk blends that I don't think I'm missing anything. LB Flake is proof of that. I have several pounds tucked away and can't wait for the 2, 3, and 4 year marks to start ticking off.