So finally gave it a go smoking cobs first until I get my great grandfathers pipes cleaned and returned from Walker Briar Works. I like Aromatics and tried the recommended Lane 1Q it’s great. Now the newbie question I have is. Are all aromatics made with great flavoring and bad quality baccy? Or do some houses use quality different genres of tobacco with good casing topping? Seems I see a lot of talk about aromatics from houses that make them use low grade tobacco. Can u please shed some light on this. And if there are the better brands that use quality flavorings and quality tobacco can you tell me some houses to look at?
Also would like to know a few baccys from each genre that are not aromatics that have good room note as well. Sorry for the three probably long to answer questions but I appreciate your time to help
and please pardon my ignorance as I am still Green... Lol
Also would like to know a few baccys from each genre that are not aromatics that have good room note as well. Sorry for the three probably long to answer questions but I appreciate your time to help