I don't think any of us has accused the kid of intentional wrongdoing. The matter was settled with a notice of wrong doing. It doesn't appear damages are being sought. For the record, many crimes do not require "intent" only the act is required. Ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Disney always starts with a notice of perceived wrong doing. If that is ignored and the infringement is continuing well, then the offender gets all the might and power of the company legal beagles. And, rightfully so!
It is interesting to note how little regard some have for the property of others. To those of us who make a living with out heads and our designs this lad's behavior was serious. Composers face this everyday. The owners of copyrights have to deal with the pirating of their property. Many people think nothing of pirating songs, books, etc and depriving the owners of any moneys. Again, situational ethics is deplorable. It's all right to steal from some but, by God, not me.
edit: It is gratifying to see the student, at least, now recognizes his behavior was criminal.