Oh No, New Pipe Smoker and Dunhill Is Gone

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Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2019
Next order will have the Ashton Artisan Blend and from there I'll move onto something with some kick.

I read Haunted bookshelf and ten russians should fit the bill.
Appreciate the suggestions, thanks again. Tobacco review is an awesome site!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 30, 2018
Milton, FL
That’s a fantastic start. Many of those blends are my favorites.
Artisan’s Blend and Ten Russians are definitely in my top 5 and Haunted Bookshop is a nicotine bomb. If you like strong burleys like Haunted Bookshop then I’ll also recommend Old Joe Krantz.
Looking forward to your impressions.



Jan 7, 2019
Nice work! That'll get ya going. Those are some good Dunhill mixtures. And the GL Pease blends will definitely satisfy.
You'll be surprised how quickly the cellar builds up with fine quality tobacco! :puffy:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Did you use the 25% off discount code?



Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2019
Adding Old Joe Krantz to the wish list. No, unfortunately I didn't know about the coupon code.

Just saw the info on the code and my better half said I must place another order so I guess it's shopping time, long as she's ok with it I am.
Here's what I'm about to click to the buy button on (this time with the coupon code, thanks guys):
Item Description

Item #






Per OZ

DRE-TB-1000 1 0 $1.97 $1.97

Royal Replacement Stem - Amber Straight


PM-SCCSTM-RYL-1000 1 0 $0.79 $0.79

Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen Replacement Stems 1 Long

1 Long

PSWHCASTM-PM-1000 1 0 $0.79 $0.79

Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen Replacement Stems 1 Long 9mm

1 Long 9mm

PSWHCASTM-PM-1004 1 0 $0.79 $0.79

Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen Replacement Stems 2356 Long

2356 Long

PSWHCASTM-PM-1001 1 0 $0.79 $0.79

Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen Replacement Stems 7 L

7 L

PSWHCASTM-PM-1003 1 0 $0.79 $0.79

Softy Pipe Bits - Small


PM-TTOOL-13-1000 1 0 $0.55 $0.55

Carter Hall

1.5 Ounce Pouch

CHA-TP-1001 1 0 $4.50 $4.50

Ashton Artisan's Blend

1.75 Ounce Tin

AHA-TP-1000 2 0 $9.15 $18.30

Bugler Blue

10 Oz Bag

BAA-TP-1000 1 0 $13.99 $13.99

Captain Earle's Ten Russians

2 Ounce Tin

CAG-TP-1000 1 0 $11.05 $11.05

Cornell & Diehl Bow Legged Bear

2 Ounce Tin

CEG-TP-1000 1 0 $9.99 $9.99

Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop

2 Ounce Tin

CDT-TP-1000 1 0 $9.99 $9.99

Five Brothers

1.25 Ounce Pouch

5BA-TP-1000 1 0 $3.81 $3.81

GL Pease Caravan

2 Ounce Tin

GLF-TP-1000 1 0 $11.05 $11.05

GL Pease Charing Cross

2 Ounce Tin

GLG-TP-1000 1 0 $11.05 $11.05

GL Pease JackKnife Plug

2 Ounce Tin

GLM-TP-1000 1 0 $11.05 $11.05

GL Pease Maltese Falcon

2 Ounce Tin

GLS-TP-1000 1 0 $11.48 $11.48

Hearth & Home Marquee Magnum Opus

1.75 Ounce Tin

HMD-TP-1000 1 0 $10.59 $10.59

MATCH Early Morning Pipe

Per OZ

MHK-TB-1000 4 0 $2.24 $8.96

MATCH My Mixture 965

Per OZ

MHW-TB-1000 4 0 $1.98 $7.92


1.42 Ounce Tin

DRE-TP-1000 1 0 $5.45 $5.45

Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River

2 Ounce Tin

STA-TP-1000 1 0 $11.82 $11.82

Sutliff Burma Road

Per OZ

AA5-TB-1000 2 0 $2.11 $4.22

Talon Regular

9 Ounce Bag

TLA-TP-1001 1 0 $8.99 $8.99

Cornell & Diehl Bayou Night

2 Ounce Tin

CDD-TP-1000 1 0 $9.99 $9.99

GL Pease Haddo's Delight

2 Ounce Tin

GLL-TP-1000 1 0 $11.05 $11.05

Hearth & Home Marquee BlackHouse

1.75 Ounce Tin

HMA-TP-1000 1 0 $6.96 $6.96

H&H Bulk Sunjammer

Per OZ

HS7-TB-1000 2 0 $3.60 $7.20
Sub-Total $215.88

Economy $0.00

Sales Tax $0.00

Order Total $161.91


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
You can probably call them tomorrow and ask if they'll apply the discount to your order. P&C is good about things like that.



Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2019
Sorry that looks messy but it's copy/paste from the receipt.

Ordered the bits/stems to tinker with on the metal lathe (found some cheap briar pipes on etsy.com to experiment on).
Don't think I can get the discount on the previous order (was placed on the 28th).
My only concern is the summertime temps here are quite hot and it can easily get to 85 degrees in the room I have my tobacco in.

For the cigars I have a wideador cooler/fridge but I know nothing about storing pipe tobacco.
Should I be concerned about mold and beetles with pipe tobacco?



Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
OldBaccy - Hoping you did not forget to get samples of Match My Mixture 965 (now Match 20) and Match Early Morning Pipe; to go along with your Match Nightcap. Due to the reality and timing, the Match line could be considered just as legitimately "official" as the latest iteration of Dunill was; for as our wise-and-wonderful friend, Sablebrush52, had already said: "You missed Dunhill by nearly 40 years." - Sherm Natman



Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2019
Yes sir, got 'em.
MATCH Early Morning Pipe

Per OZ

MHK-TB-1000 4 0 0 $2.24 $8.96

MATCH My Mixture 965

Per OZ

MHW-TB-1000 4 0 0 $1.98 $7.92


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
For the cigars I have a wideador cooler/fridge but I know nothing about storing pipe tobacco.
Just stick them in mason jars and leave them out of daylight.
Should I be concerned about mold and beetles with pipe tobacco?
Mold happens in the best of conditions so try to keep everything as clean as possible when jarring. If be more concerned about tobacco spiders than beetles.



Feb 21, 2013
r, you and I are of the Dunhill Will Return school. I will be surprised if a sale or licensing deal doesn't emerge to keep the brand, if not all the blends in their present form, alive. People spend endless amounts of money building brand and name recognition. To leave this one on the table seems almost comical in terms of current marketing and business practices, so I'm still waiting for the big comeback tour re-opening sequel of Dunhill blends. Of course after a respectful period of trying the newly issued product, everyone will sing in choral response, these are nothing like the blends we knew. Meanwhile, the other brands and blends that didn't go out of production will still be mighty fine.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
965 is the first 'real' pipe tobacco I smoked. I wasn't a fan. Latakia is kind of an aquired taste. I like it in moderation now. If you want to try a classic British blend I suggest something with light Latakia and more orientals, what is often called a Balkan blend.

Mar 25, 2019
I'm actually less concerned with dunhill and MC than with the death of the tobacconist. Sure there's cigar shops, but many have no clue about the product they carry and know even less about pipe tobacco. That's if they even carry anything other than generic bulk aros. :evil:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 8, 2018
Arabi, LA
G.L. Pease Westminster is, for me, very close to London Mixture. In fact it's probably a bit better.
If you like MM965 and/or The Aperitif (both considered Scottish blends), try Rattray's Black Mallory.

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