I love tits, let me repeat....I love me some tits, what I don't love is bad writing. I think, that what most of you are complaining about isn't really T/A or explosions, its poor script writing. If the movie or television series has a scene that calls for nudity, then all the better woo hoo, the same applies to fire and the odd explosion. The problem lies in poor writing, when the script is so poorly written that they need to rely on T/A and explosions to keep the audience watching or to attract any audience at all, which is usually teenage boys who don't usually care as much about plot as they do boobs and seeing shit blow up, then I too, will avoid that show. However, there are plenty of films, both foreign and domestic that use nudity well, as it is a part of our lives, we are sexual beings, we mate for pleasure as well as procreation. Also, you cannot very well have a war film without some explosions and sometimes, though rarely those explosions can be graphic, when the material calls for it, but this is indeed rare. I'm just trying to say, that you cannot judge a film or TV shows' quality based solely on the presence of nudity or explosions, you should instead, judge them based on the quality of the story and the acting. Sorry, now I'll get of your lawns!