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Jul 1, 2017
How often do we hear distaste for—or marginalization of—hipsters? The hipster community is obviously a boon for the pipe and tobacco industries...based on how many of them enjoy pipes. And honestly, there are far worse spokesmen for the hobby. It is doubtful that many of us would openly welcome droves of Emo, or even Goth, into the hallowed halls of our beloved Templum Nicotiana Tabacum. (Though, if we must, I recommend the Peterson Dracula Smooth for Emos... Rusticated Churchwardens for the Goths... See? We each have our own foibles. I am not innocent by any means)
There have been several threads based on the rise of the pipe smoking hipsters. Although I have not read them all, the general feeling a reader gets is that a rift exists within our pipe community. Akin to the present American election, there seems to be those of us who respond to hipsters with reasonable sophistication, while others respond with plain animosity for "those hipster types".
I hate to tell people this, but one of the most successful pipe and tobacco dealers on the web is almost entirely represented, seemingly, by hipsters. Scanning the profiles of some forum members (both the influential and the lowly—such as myself) I noticed that many are dressed well, with beards, smoking pipes, and wearing eyeglasses reminiscent of the 1960s. A pair of horn-rim glasses and a beard may not make a person a hipster, but they sure take to the hipster fashion well, don't they? Additionally, a pipe in the gob of a hipster isn't exactly a fashion faux pas.
In fact, it matters little if a hipster takes the time and focus necessary to navigate the practice of pipe smoking. Many people (regardless of social stigmas) have and will begin smoking a pipe. The vast majority will give it up, likely because of modernity's emphasis on instant gratification, lack of attention span, and its hyper-anxiety of everything Tobacco.
Our community has faced a regression in both practice and production for over a decade. How many of us can remember the height of the pipe smoking culture? I was too young to enjoy it then, but I sure recall the scent of fine tobaccos that I know have since slipped into oblivion. It used to be that a pipe smoker was almost instantly recognized as a sophisticated person, a person accepting only the finest representations of artisan work, both of briar and of leaf.
Now we are looked upon with scorn, as a danger to social health.
It is doubtful that pipe smoking will ever return to its former grandeur, at least not in America. But the hipsters have bright new ideas; they are at the threshold of a techno-generation which will be far more progressive than any we have yet seen. I am most impressed by the hipsters' propensity for a rare commodity seldom found in my generation and those before, that of sound REASON.

It should therefore be no surprise that they are attracted to pipes en mass.
We as pipe smokers love our hobby. And, with that love of hobby, we carry the responsibility of its stewardship.

Might I humbly suggest, then, that we treat hipsters a little better.

Jan 8, 2013
Might I humbly suggest, then, that we treat hipsters a little better.
I'm pretty sure the majority of us could give a hoot whether someone smoking a pipe is or isn't a hipster. I could care less. I'm no hipster, but I've been known to curl my mustache from time to time and I sport a full beard now... as opposed to my avatar. But I do it because I've always liked being a little different from time to time, and it hearkens back to a bygone era of men's fashion that was kind of cool, and it's a shame it's not practiced as much as it once was. If a hipster wants to smoke a pipe, so be it. The same goes for any other clique, in my opinion. The fact of the matter is that pipe smoking is a lifestyle enjoyed by people of all walks of life. It's almost always been that way. Whether you're a rich man or a poor man, or a cowboy or a city boy, a business man or a fast food worker, a truck driver or a cab driver, a person who listens to heavy metal, or a person that listens to opera, a fire fighter or a police officer, a soldier or sailor, a historian or archaeologist, an astronaut or a deep sea diver.... it's much like this forum here. We have members who are lawyers, while I am a butcher. It doesn't matter to most of us... if you have a pipe and tobacco, then load it up and light it up and enjoy yourself.



Mar 7, 2013
Now we are looked upon with scorn, as a danger to social health.
Not for nothing, in the minds of some people.
Several years ago at the Chicago show, there was quite a bit of DrunkenFratBoy-type behavior indulged in by the hipster contingent which wasn't appreciated by many non-hipster attendees, and the old adage about "you don't get a second chance to make a first impression" kicked in full force.
Just sayin'



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've never met a hipster with any depth. I'm sure there are some, I just haven't met them. That said, who cares if they smoke. I will also exercise my right to associate with whom I wish. Any so-called "hipster" with a working knowledge and a respect of the rules is welcome here as far as I'm concerned.



Oct 12, 2011
No limits on who can be an asshole! No one type has the exclusive on that. It's spread out all over the world...



Jul 1, 2017
I'm pretty sure the majority of us could give a hoot whether someone smoking a pipe is or isn't a hipster.
That's obvious, for sure...which is why I like this forum. But it's still a problem that should be mentioned and mulled over by the community.

It is worth noting that not all members on this forum are guilty of marginalization. Nevertheless, the members are indeed the audience intended. Audience is seldom the target of a rant. In fact, it does no good to rant AT the problem; rather, ABOUT the problem.

It is impossible (and unethical) to publicly challenge individuals here, whether they be in daily life or within the forum itself. I have witnessed pipe smokers in real life who frown on hipsters, as well as those on pipe forums. If that sounds unbelievable, simply search for "hipster" or "hipsters" in the search bar of any pipe forum and read a few posts.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I went to college in the '70's and many of my fellow students and profs smoked pipes. were we hipsters? Perhaps. posers? Maybe. But now that I've been a pipe man for 47 years now I may be a codger. As long as the hobby thrives and new people take up the pipe we're all better off.



Jul 1, 2017
my point exactly Papipe :puffpipe:
Per Merriam-Webster:
Definition of HIPSTER
: a person who is unusually aware of and interested in new and unconventional patterns (as in jazz or fashion)



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I question how we would know a poster is a "hipster" in the first place. Now should a hipster, or any other person you might classify, appear with an agenda here, well... that's a horse of a different color er, social classification.
While you treat the pipe as a hobby, I consider it simply a part of my everyday life. I don't dabble in pipes, I smoke them with a vengeance during the day and use them as an adjunct to my relaxing through reading or TV viewing in the evening. Hobby? For some maybe, not everyone though.
For others it is a business. A serious business. Some members earn their livelihood through tobacco and pipes. Classifying all of us as hobbyists is short changing some of the members.
More to the point of your post, "hipsters", as they go to great lengths to appear as a separate and distinct part of society, are easy targets and the masses love easy targets. My style manner of dress and lifesty makes me an easy target when I "go into town". I live with it, I'm comfortable with who I am. My jenny takes offense though. The jack? He just laughs it off, "hee haw." I just load the wagon and go back up the mountain.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
As an artist, I could care less if I am smoking with a truck driver, doctor, hipster, biker, businessman, farmer, rich, poor, I don't care what your religion is, your politics, nor your football team. I'd rather just enjoy getting to know someone and making friends. I won't look for reasons to hate you, nor reasons to rank you in some sort of heirarchy of social status. I will put what you say in the most positive light and just enjoy your company. Hopefully, you will return the friendship, and both of us will be richer from the experience. People are cool, especially pipe smoking peoples.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Non-artist here, and I agree with what Michael writes.
I am somewhat surprised by the OP and sorry he felt a need to say all that. I discriminate against no one, unless they disagree with me rudely. Polite and reasoned disagreements are just fine.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
I'm with @jpmcwjr on this one.
I've only been here since Nov of last year, a relatively short time in the grand scheme of things. In the 9 or 10 months that I've been here, and on 3 or so other pipe forums, I've not seen anything approaching what the O.P. suggests.
Sure there's been some fun jabs here and there, not limited to hipstes mind you, but jabs for any and all.
Having been a business man for over 25 years I have had the good fortune of working for and with some great folks. It has helped me immensely in training, managing and leading others.
One of the best authors out there in this field is Stephen Covey. His book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a cornerstone for many companies and industries throughout the world.
Covey's first habit is to be Proactive. No real explanation needed here except to realize that it is being the opposite of reactive.
The second and one of the most important habits is to "Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood.
Not trying to call the O.P. out here, but I gotta think that being on this site for less than a month sure seems like a relatively short time to have already achieved a complete understanding of this site and it's members. To then make an effort of being Understood on an issue that is not readily apparent to most of us here, seems a bit sophomoric at it's least, presumptuous at it's worst.
So sgt, if I have misunderstood the intentions of your post, with what seems like a specious argument as to the mistreatment of hipsters, then I apologize.
If, however, I have understood your intentions, then I would respectfully say to you sir that your post is in bad form.



Jul 1, 2017
Sensitivity is not an issue with me, Dino. 20 years in military aviation has left me with a rather thick skin. I would like to point out that one major point has been either missed or altogether overlooked, likely because of my writing style. However, my post points no fingers; it only asks questions and identifies through personal guilt (i.e. picking on Emos and Goths a little). My point was merely an observation of an obviously beneficial growth within the pipe smoking community and observations of the less accepting members of that community...NOT specifically members of THIS forum. My purpose for writing was to begin a discussion based on that observation. It appears that the discussion has struck a sensitive chord.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I think the OP may be talking about a few threads that Deathmetal had posted last year regarding hipsters. But, I think the posts were meant to be funny. Sure, sure it was humor at the expense of a group that self-identifies as this hipster group, and a few of us were defending them, but all in all, I don't think any of us would slit the tires of a hipster for being hipsters, nor toss them out of a pipe club meeting. Most of the anti-hipster humor is from the hipsters. Heck, if I were twenty years younger and dressed like I do now, I'd be a hipster. I even have a bad ass collection of vinyl. But, I got most of them from Columbia House in the early 80's. Just $0.01 and you're set... till the letters from attorneys start up regarding all of the extra free albums they sent me each month, ha ha,



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2013
But, I got most of them from Columbia House in the early 80's. Just $0.01 and you're set... till the letters from attorneys start up regarding all of the extra free albums they sent me each month, ha ha,
Funny Michael....brought back memories, same happened to me. Haha



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
thanks for the clarification. Please accept my apologies for missing your intent. This interweb, as great as it is, still has the disadvantage of not talking face to face and picking up on one's subtle nuance's or inflections.
As for the sensitivity part. Yeah, me neither. Didn't do 20 like you did, thanks by the way, I did 6 in the Navy 1981 through 1987.
I have had to learn to make an effort at ensuring that my words, though intended as being succinct and to the point, don't come across as unnecessarily harsh or blunt.
To your O.P. I too am appreciative for the obvious shot in the arm the hipsters have brought to our little corner of the world.
I do, however, grow weary from the posers or big d!ckers that find it necessary to drone on incessantly about their uber expensive briars or contempt for anything but the rarest of rare or harshest of harsh blends, regardless of them being hipsters, or hillbillies. Sadly it's reminiscent of the same crap that happened in the 90's when cigars got popular again.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Guys who only smoke hand woven tobaccos from some rare strange tribe in New Zealand, guys who only smoke the rarest Dunhills found in Egyptian tombs, guys who only smoke corncobs found in flea markets, guys who only smoke aromatic OTCs... this is your land, this is my land, from California to Long Island, something, something... this land was made for you and me... :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
Yeah... Hipsters are great for the revival of pipes, craft beverages, vinyl lp stores, making beards sexy again, and some other things I'm sure.
I am not sure, but I'd guess a lot of the places where I buy pipes and tobacco online are from people that could be considered hipsters.
Most here would agree it's not cool to point your finger at a group of people and laugh at them because they are homosexual or a different ethnic group or Mormon or obese.
My guess is that most folks here would defend them.
The "hipster" that is poked fun at... is the guy that listens to Eric Dolphy or SUN RA not because he enjoys it, but because he thinks it will make him look complex and cool. The guy that drives around town with his canoe on his Subaru even though he lives in the city and has no plans to canoe for two months. The guy that works hard to fabricate a look and a style... to fit a fashion stereotype; all the while believing that it is something greater.
In our pipe world, when someone 20years-40 something comes on the site and starts talking about where he can find the best pipe and starts recklessly attacking OTC blends having never tried them and touting the excellence of small batch organic tobacco... many of us take him for a hipster... Instead of saying... Man, you're kind of a know it all aren't you?... people might say... you goofy hipster.... and perhaps that's not fair to the hipster label..
I'm not sure if it's true, but apparently according to my father, my students and co-workers... I am a Hipster, a lumbersexual and a bourgeois bohemian.
Now, I have never tried to be any of these things. I am not even sure what they mean... especially the lumbersexual thing.
Frankly, I feel somewhat insulted. It's like I am being called a poser or not authentic in some way. But heh, it is what it is and I am what I am. I'm not trying to be anything or trying not to be anything.
Just because my beard is somewhat awesome? Just because I plan to go LP hunting in South Philadelphia today? Just because I like Peychaud's in my ginger ale?
Anyway, I've always considered myself more of a jock... or a joke...



Jul 21, 2015
How often do we hear distaste for—or marginalization of—hipsters?
Hipsters are poseurs, a.k.a. scenesters, fakes, phoneys or parasites.
The problem is that most people understand hipster through its external elements alone, which is broken because others emulate those without being hipsters.

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