Speaking of Humble Pie, I saw them live in August of 1972 in a giant art deco auditorium in Kansas City.
The opening band? Ramatam. A group that Jimi Hendrix's drummer Mitch Mitchell started after Jimi died. (It was a flop, but famous in rock history circles for having a female lead singer---April Lawton---who actually, well, wasn't. lol Otherwise known as drag queen story hour through 100K watts of amplification.)
What made the show special, though, was the "extra" band that played before Ramatam. (Different bands were given the spot at different shows as the tour crossed the country. Their names weren't on the posters, and they barely got paid. They did it for publicty.)
THAT little band was playing for the first time away from their home turf.
Only one of 'em had a beard yet.
The guitar player wore an enormous hat and outrageously blinged leather jacket with "TEXAS" across the back, the bass player looked like a serial killer who'd turned his lust to music, and the drummer locked 'em both in like a freight train.
Absolutely burned the house down. I'm surprised Humble Pie didn't quit and go home.